Chapter 1: Helping the enemy?

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Ink's POV (Most of the chapters will be his POV XD)

   I groaned as I woke up, rubbing my skull and looked around and realized that I was in some sort of cell. I looked around the cell and saw Nightmare knocked out in the corner. I stood up shakily and walked over to him and whispered "Wake up!"

   He woke up groggily and when he saw me he shot up to his feet "Where am I?!"

   I replied "I don't know I woke up in this cell, someone must have knocked us out and put us here." He hissed in frustration and kicked the door once wincing when he found out it was steel. I gasped "Nightmare be careful! We're gonna have to work together if we're gonna get out."

    He said "I'll never work with you! You and your pathetic Star Sanses, I'll be the bane of them." He glared threateningly at me which I returned with an eye roll.

    I replied sarcasticly with "Well, I guess we can stay here and you'll have to put up with me till the end of time or until we're released."

    He growled "If you say a word to Error or Cross I'll personally come for you and kill you, Got it?"

    I nodded "Okay, well if your ego is so big I'll let you lead us in how to escape here." I smiled slightly at him.

    He replied "Don't push your luck Ink. I won't have a problem killing you. You know that right?"

    I sighed "Yeah, but do you have any ideas on how to get out of here?" He went silent while looking shocked and so I took that as a no. I said "Hello Earth to Nightma-?!" I was cut off by my yelp as the door slammed open. I looked up warily to see Reaper Chara standing there smirking.

    She laughed "Isn't this lovely! You both are awake!" Nightmare growled about to say something before she interrupted him "Don't waste your words on me Nightmare. Now if you two will be cooperative with me,  I'll answer some of your questions."

    I huffed "Okay than how about you answer this one. What do you want with us? And what do you plan to do?"
    She smirked "Simple, I need you two to tell me where Geno or Reaper are. Ink you can tell me where Geno is because of your friendship. Nightmare can tell me where Reaper is because of all his negative feelings."
    Nightmare said "Why would I tell the person who just kidnapped us?" I nodded in agreement only to feel a scythe come to my neck.
    She said "You'll tell me where Geno is or I'll kill you two here and now. Got it Ink?" I glared at her "You might as well kill me then. Cause there's no way in hell I'll give Geno away. Besides I ain't got nothing left to live for, You'd be doing me a favor."

    Nightmare said "Yeah, Might as well kill me too. Cause this skeleton isn't talking. And same I dont have anything else to live for."

    Chara growled looking angry "Fine I was prepared to be merciful! But I guess I'll have to do this the hard way." She smiled angrily and I looked out of the corner of my eye at Nightmare. He didn't seem to show fear so I hid my fear. She smirked and grabbed me by my neck and dragged me out of the cell. I grit my teeth together gasping for air and tried desperately to escape her grasp.

    She closed the cell door locking it much to Nightmare's dismay. She led me five rooms away and threw me onto a table strapping me down. She said "You know Ink, I didn't want it to come to this but you being uncooperative has forced me to." I glared at her and sneered "Do you worse Chara I wont be talking anytime soon!"

    She smirked evily "Oh I intend to Inky~!" She took out a small knife and said "Prepare for my little hell ink!"

~After Ink being tortured~

Nightmare's POV

    I sighed it must have been at least an hour after Chara had took Ink away. But for some reason it made me angry when I saw how terrified Ink was. Im probably just feeling like this because I was just as terrified as him. I heard the door to the cell open and stared as Ink's bloodied abd bruised body was thrown in. He ehimpered and Chara asked "Will you cooperate with me now that you've seen what happens if you don't?"

    I said "Try it lady." Ink said "Haha You're stupid if you think I'll ever cooperate with you Chara." Chara scowled and slamemd the door close and left in a rush. I asked "What did she do to you Ink? You look like you went through hell and back."

    He said "F-Feel like it t-too." I said "Just rest you'll need you're strength so we can get out of here." As much as I hate to admit it, I admired Ink for his resilience and ability to hide pain and emotions.

    He said "What if Chara come back for you I'll need to warn yo-" I cut him off "No, You will rest. Besides I dont need to sleep." He looked at me and nodded "Okay be c-careful." He curled up in the floor using his scarf as a pillow and dozed off into my brother's land. I sighed "Will I ever get out of this damn cell?"

A/N: Hey guys! So this is my new story I'll be focusing on! So I know some of you will be thinking NO I SHIP EROR AND INK 5EVA or NU I SHIP CREAM 5EVA! And believe me so do I but this story is fro Ink and Nightmare. So if you dont like it dont leave hate comments just leave the story and the people who like this ship in peace. Thanks for listening to my rant have a good day peepz!

DISCONTINUED: Happy Endings are for Everyone- Inkmare StoryWhere stories live. Discover now