Chapter One

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   It has been hours since we first got here. All of us fell into a long sleep before waking, before just sitting blankly. We had no idea what to do, we were alone children on an island. The truth doomed us to our death until Angelica bounced to her feet.

"We need to think! Now! Or we'll all die!"

"We're going to die, Angie," Gabi whispered gloomily.

"Not if I can help it. We can live until someone comes. We have to." I look up at Angelica, feeling a spark of hope in my chest. I grip Angelica's arm, hauling myself up beside her. "What do you suggest, O' Princess?" I giggle, dipping my head as if Angelica was royalty. Angelica shot a playful look at me before continuing.

"First, we need food, water, and shelter. We have thirteen people. I say we divide ourselves into three equal groups of four, and then we have one person scouting at the shore for any boats."

The rest of us, dumbfounded, just simply nodded.

"Ok. Zach, take Adam, Xia, and Gabi to find water." Angelica gave a quick nod to the four. Reluctantly, Zach stood up and obediently waited for the other three to raise to their feet. Finally, they stepped away from the group on the search for water.

"Jamie, take Evalyn, Sage, and Courtney to search for food. That leaves Cade, Cindy, Macy and I."

As I was gathering my patrol, I heard Macy volunteer to go watch on the bank of the island. I mentally thanked Angelica for not making Macy go on patrol; she had looked awful when she first got here. Pushing Macy out of my mind, I walk into the dark forest of the island.


I walk through the lush undergrowth, feeling as if some eyes were stabbing into my soul. Everything in this forest was just so... awful. Moist and damp and wet-dog smelling. I would give anything to be back at my house, sketching or reading, even studying. Just anything to get away from this place.

I know, life could be worse. I could be alone on like, a volcano, or alone in a bear cave. But, it also could've been better. I could've been abandoned in France or a giant kingdom, where I was destined to be the queen. But no, I had to be left on an island.

I continue to prowl through the forest, brushing fallen, crumbled leaves, twigs, and ferns from the crowded path. Every time I brushed away a piece of scattered debris I just felt more trapped on this island. It was unknown, we could easily get lost or sick or hurt or killed. Shivers ran up my spine as I thought about death, which I had been dangerously close to on the crash. But, one question nagged me; What did actual death feel like? Did it hurt?

I small noise diverted me from my thoughts. Already being on edge, I spun around with a warning yelp, my eyes seeking for any possible danger. Finally, after studying the surrounding behind me, I see a long, scaly, disturbing monster hiding beneath a couple of springing ferns. Its color was a bright, spring-green with light markings of a dark, dull green, almost a shaded black. It had four long toes, with small, thorn-like claws at the very edge. As I stared in pure horror, all I could think was; "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

I screeched at the top of my lungs, luring Sage, Evalyn, and Courtney toward me. Sage and Courtney push themselves through a wall of jasmine, their faces struck with panic. Their voices were quickened and jittery, as they profusely asked "What's wrong? What's wrong?" I couldn't answer. I just let out a yelp of terror, stumbling back while intently pointing at the monster creeping in the undergrowth. Courtney and Sage followed where I was pointing, and their panic-stricken faces turned into a disappointed and irritated scowl.

"It's an igua-" Sage begins to speak before I grab the young child, holding her tight to calm her from the monster's presence.

"Jamie, I swear to god calm down," Courtney smirks at me, one eyebrow raises. I look up at her, burrowing my eyebrows into my eyes. "Why? There's like, a baby of a lizard and a snake down there."

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