Chapter Nine.

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Author's Note: I'm thinking about entering this story in the 2012 Watty Awards. Let me know what you think about that. And help me out by voting, fanning and sharing with your friends!


Chapter Nine.
Madeline's Point of View.

Sitting on the same bench that I had sat on yesterday lunch time, I placed my head in my hands. I should never have agreed to go to Kyle's house after school. What on earth had I been thinking? I know we had to do a project together, but that didn't mean that I had to go to his house. We could have easily used our free periods and lunchtimes to do the project. With a sigh, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tapped in the password before finding  Mrs Norris' number on my contact list. I hit dial and pressed the phone to my ear. Mrs Norris picked up on the third ring.


"Hi, Mrs Norris. It's Madeline."

"Oh hello dear. Is everything okay?"

"Yes. I was just wondering if you would be able to have William for a little longer today. I have a school project to do so I have to go to my partner's house after school so we can get started."

"Of course!"

"Thank you! I really appreciate it."

"It's no bother, dear."

"Bye, Mrs Norris. And thanks again."

I hung up the phone and put it back into my pocket before pulling my hair back and tying it up with the elastic band that I had on my wrist. I needed to call mum to tell her that I would be late, but we didn't have a phone in our house, and she didn't have a mobile phone. I guessed I would just have to deal with the consequences when I got home.

Again, I found myself thinking about how stupid I was. Going to someone's house- especially Kyle's- was going to lead me to what I didn't want. I didn't want to become attached to anyone. Everyone would hurt you in the end, so it was best to just rely on yourself. I had relied on my dad, and he had left. I had relied on my mum, and she had become an abusive alcoholic.

I hung my head, looking down at the baggy material of my black trousers that were almost the same as the ones I had been wearing yesterday. A few wisps of my blonde hair fell from the elastic band and framed my face, tickling my cheeks. I fiddled nervously with the hem of my black and white checkered shirt, twisting the material in between my fingers. How could I have been so brainless as to agree to go to Kyle's house? I knocked my knuckles lightly against my forehead, annoyed with myself. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I would have to deal with it for today but, I couldn't let myself agree to such a thing again.


 I leaned against the concrete pillar that was just outside of the school gates. My bag was sitting in between my feet, and I was staring down at it as I waited for Kyle. I looked up as I heard his familiar voice. He was standing a few feet inside the school gates with Jenny hanging from his elbow. I instantly scowled as a strange feeling shot through my stomach. What was that?...Jealousy? Brilliant, I was getting more pathetic by the minute.

The couple were clearly arguing about something. Jenny was gesturing wildly with her arms, making angry jerks in my direction. They were arguing about me? Kyle's eyes flickered over to look at me before he turned back to Jenny to reply to whatever she had just said. Yep. They were arguing about me. I blew the air out of my mouth, awkwardly averting my eyes. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to face a dark haired girl with blue eyes.

"Are you Madeline?"

I nodded my head.


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