Chapter Eleven.

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Author's Note: I have decided that I won't be posting the next chapter for a week or so unless I get more votes and reads. (: This is because it is nearing exam period at school, and I don't want to be writing something that no one is reading if I can be studying instead. So, if you want the next chapter sooner then please vote and share with your friends. (: Thankyouu.


Chapter Eleven.
Madeline's Point of View.

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, and I stretched my arms above my head, careful to keep my movements small and quiet so that I wouldn’t wake the sleeping William. My throat felt raw from the previous nights tears, and as I touched my fingertips to just below my eyes I felt the tell tale puffiness of bags.

I could already tell that I looked like absolute crap. I sucked in a breath before letting it out and turning to look at William. He looked so angelic, his curly hair flattened against the pillow and his narrow ribcage rising and falling with each breath that he took. His skin was its usual pale creamy colour, his freckles standing out just like mine did. The only flaws on him were the marks that mother had left him. I instantly felt my blood begin to boil with anger, and my hands clenches into fists, my knuckles going white.

I still couldn't believe that she had done that to William. He was the sweetest kid that you could wish to meet, and I didn't understand why anyone would ever want to hurt him. I rolled out from under the covers, making sure that William was still tucked in warmly before I left the room. I stuck my head into mum's room to see if she was passed out, but she wasn't in there. She wasn't in the bathroom either. I tiptoed down the stairs, avoiding the ones that I knew would creak. When I was downstairs I silently checked the living room and the kitchen to find that my mum wasn't there. Of course, it was Wednesday. Mum worked three days a week- Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. She had to get money for alcohol from somewhere.

I tugged at the hem of my pyjama bottoms, pulling them up by the non-elasticated waist. There was no way that I was going to school today, and I wasn't planning on taking William to nursery either. He needed me right now, so we were going to stay right here. I'd have to remember to tell Mrs Norris that she wouldn't need to pick William up. I slid into one of the seats at the kitchen table, cupping my chin in my hands as I stared blankly at the grubby wall.

The house was so silent that I could hear the beating of my heart and my blood being pumped through my veins. The silence was eerie. It was strange to not have my mother making noise and screaming in the background. However, it wasn't often that I got to bask in silence, so I welcomed it.

My eyelids fell shut and a relaxed sigh fell from my lips as I opened my eyes again. I placed my arms on the table and rested my forehead on them as I revelled in the silence, enjoying it whilst I was able to.


A faint voice came floating down the stairs. The scared tone tugged at the strings of my heart. I stood up and went up to William. A relieved expression crossed his little face when he saw me. He was sitting up in the bed, his legs crossed and his eyes wide. I moved over to him, gently taking his chin between my thumb and forefinger so that I could carefully manoeuvre his face from side to side. He didn't protest as I scrutinized his wounds. My eyes narrowed as I leaned closer to him, my hazel eyes flickering over his delicate features.

"Let's get you sorted out, okay?"

William nodded his head though he said nothing. I lifted him up into my arms and he placed his chin on my shoulder, leaning against me. I took him into the bathroom and set him down on the closed toilet seat before grabbing a cloth and wetting it with warm water.

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