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watching you do your makeup
I see you're putting gasoline on your lips
so when we kiss,
it taste like shit.
but goddamn I still kiss you back
and it's like you're wildfire ignited on my tongue.

but I keep going back
because I fell
so hard my lungs collapsed
and you were the only one who stopped
and saved me.

you are where the storms go
I am where the flowers grow
and when your tears make the storms
I keep finding myself sliding down the treacherous mountain
down into your arms.

it's the pits of my mind
and the blackest depths of my heart.

and when we split
there's no rain,
there's no flowers.

no flowers grow on the dry plain of my mind
maybe a few weeds,
but it's been a dustbowl lasting five years.

so I'll put the keys in the ignition
but I know I should stay away.
i've got the bags packed and put in the back
but then I think of you.

and when I think of you
The cigarettes don't even matter
the head rush you've given me is enough.

the world always seemed so calm
and peaceful
but for the last five years
it's been separation anxiety about something that means so little.

however, I still need a rush similar to yours
so I will get the reds
light them
lean my head back against the head rest
close my eyes
pretend that the head rush I have is your skin against mine
i've let the nicotine take over.

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