yandere story

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Backround: hi im yuki and im friends with this boy named light and im not sure if he likes me or not but i dont care id kill for him *yandere laugh* Its not like i like him or anything BAKA he just makes me feel weird a good weird and i like it...

Actual story: yuki woke up,put on her navy blue and red school girl outfit with black flats, brushed her hair and teeth and walked out the door. Today was just a normal day. Normal walking. Normal getting to school on time. But little did yuki know today would be the day she met her one and ONLY senpai. She saw him sitting down reading a book he had blonde hair with frosted purple tips and he had the most handsome hasel blue eyes that could change color depending on how he feels. She walked up to him and saw he was reading "harry potter". She wanted to talk and say that harry potter was her favorite book series. But all that could come out was "h-hai h-h-hrryyy p-p-uttah iz boek fav" he didnt hear her thank goodness so she walked away.

She noticed there was a new girl with brown hair brown eyes and she was wearing a blue shirt she looked beautyful! She looked fimaliar but im not sure who she was so i went up to her and said. "Hi im Yuki"

"I dont care who you are baka!" the girl said

"Woah woah dont get violent baka! I just want to know your name" yuki states back.

"Im angelica like you actually care because i dont baka!"

Yuki says "would you like to be friends, ill care for you"

Even though yuki doesnt understand emotions and neithet does angelica they still beleive in them and angelica beleives yuki


One week later

Yuki: angelica truth or dare

Angelica: truth

Yuki: ummm do you like anyone

Angelica: no how about you

Yuki: well theres this boy and i call him senpai idk who he actually is tho hes the one with the perple and blonde hair

Angelica: oh! Thats light! EVERYONE YUKI LIKES LI-

Yuki slaps angelica before she can say the last word
Then angelica punches yuki when a group of girls show up

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE they all said one had brown hair and brown eyes one had blue hair and blue eyes and the other had darker blue hair and black eyes

They were ellie,angel and lala the three bffs who wanted yuki in their squad and yuki never cared that they wanted her in their squad.

Yuki: angelica lets go over there

Yuki pointed to light

Angelica: ok

They went over there

Angelica: i dare you to tell light you like him after i tell you that KOKONAH HARUKAH LIEKS LIGHT

Yuki: WHAT ill be right back


kokonah: hello

Yuki: will you follow me real quick

Kokonah: sure

Yuki kills kokonah and cleans up happy that her senpai will soon be hers

Yuki is back to angelica

Angelica: ok you need to tell him now

She taps on his shoulder

Yuki: hi light umm i kinda like you

Light: i kinda like you too and i was going to ask you out tommorrow

Yuki: well the answer to your question is yes! Baka!!

Light and yuki bought angelica a house next door to theirs rent free and lived happily ever after


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