Akayuki Flowing through Mist.. Frost the Darkness

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Karakura Town..

"Hiyaahh! Getshuga Tensho!".  ''El Direkuto!''.  ''How's that?!''.  ''Dammit! it's not working!''
Ichigo and his friend fighting over a new hollow in the town..  ''Warrghhh!!!!'' Banggggg.. The hollow was attack shinigami in the ground.. Renji and Rukia flash step to Ichigo and Ishida..  ''Guys! we must take it's down now or that hollow will blow up this city''.said Rukia  ''We know that midget.. but it feel weird.. just now the hollow seem like distracted by something.. and I can feel another rieatsu too..''said Ichigo looking at the hollow  ''What's??! another rieatsu??''.  ''Hmmm.. it's true.. I can feel it too.. it's weak, it's not hollow rieatsu..''.  ''Warrrggghhhhh!!!''. The hollow  moving to the forest park beside the city..  ''Aahh! look like the hollow was running to the forest.. we must stop it..''.  ''Renji! use you bankai form''.said Rukia while flash step to the forest with their friend.  ''I think the hollow was going after that rieatsu too..Renji you can transform bankai first but don't kill that hollow yet..''.said Ishida.. ''Alright, here we go.. BAN..KAI..Hihio Zabimarru!''.Renji transform to his bankai..  The hollow was stop at the biggest tree.. ''Warrrgghhhh!!!''.it screaming and it hand trying to grab the glowing red light at the highest tree branch..  ''What's it doing??".said Renji..  ''Ahhh! guys look at that red light!''Inue said with her finger point to the branch tree.. ''The red light looking like a sword and..''.  ''Aarrgghhh!!... giehhh!!..uhh!!..''. The red light glowing brightly.. ''Koi Kiri No Shimo.. REITO BARA!!''. ''Warrgghh.....hh....''.the hollow was frosted and crumble into the mist and disappear... ''What's happening?! guys??''.   ''AAHHH!!''..   Ichigo and his friend are shocks to see a red hair women with honey golden eyes standing at the branch tree... The sword in her hand had red rose flowers it's attach to the blade with the blade seem like crystal clear stone..  Ichigo with all of them are too shock to move.. It seem like the time was also frost and stop with her previous attack.. ''Hoii.. guys.. hoii!!.. are all of you okay??''.said Ichigo the first to awaken from their shocking state..."Aghhh..we are ok..". "Looks like the weird rieatsu before this.. it's from that women..".said Ishida.. "Uhhh..be careful guys.. her rieatsu was increasing..".Ichigo said while looking at the said woman with piercing eyes ready to lunch if the woman attack his friends.. Ichigo group was ready with their weapons too.. Suddenly...
Souuurrrrr... kabommm!!!
"Waahhhhhhh!!!...uhhhhhh!!!..." Ichigo and his group was thrown into the grass when large Black Cero are attacking the group.. Ichigo and his friend become numb..Rukia,Inue and Chado are fainting in the grass..
"Hahahha!! What we have here! A lowly bucks shinigami!! Hahahha!! Just a little blow and all of you are fainting!! Weaker bucks!!Hahahha!!".  The Hellmaster of Dark Sun Valbrizo laughing at the shinigami.. ''UHhkk.. uhhk.. shit.. what's happening.. Inue..Chado..uhh..''.Ichigo try to move his body and calling his friend..  ''Uhhkk.. Rukia.. please wake up.. ''.Renji said trying to wake Rukia.  ''Damm you.. monster..what the hell are you.. that Cero..''.said Ichigo stand up his body with his eyes looking at the monster infront of him..  ''Ooho! Look like some one can stand already.. very intersting.. this will be fun.. ''.said Valbrizo walking to the Ichigo..  ''Hehehe!! Yo Shinigami! look like you can move your lowy ass huhh! Let's deal, I will not killing you and your bloody friend if you can bear my next Hell Cero!''.Valbrizo smirk looking at Ichigo with his hand start to form another Cero..  Ichigo was dump struck, his body feel heavy and he can't move his leg.. ''ICHIGO!! Don't just sitting there! RUN!! Faster!''.said Renji screaming at Ichigo.. ''HAHAHAHAHA!! Take this Hell Cero shinigami!!''. Valbrizo thrown his Cero toward Ichigo.. SOURRRRRRR......KABOOOMMMMM...  ''ICHIGO!!!!''. Renji scream when he saw the Cero was blowing Ichigo in front of him..  ''UHHH!! DAMMIT ICHIGO!''.  ''HAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHA!! Don't worry buck ass you can meet your friend after this! ALL OF YOU!! HAHAHA!! HAHAHA!!''.Valbrizo was laughing like maniac at the human and shinigami..  Suddenly....  ''Mamoru no Shimo...HANABIRA ROZU!!''. The Hell Cero was break and disappear toward the sky and the glowing Red Light Rose Petal flowing through mist are blocking the Cero and protecting Ichigo..  ''HUHH!! What.. why.. ''. Ichigo said when he saw the earlier woman was protecting him from the Cero..
''WHATS THE HELL!! WHO'S THERE!! HOW THERE YOU BREAK MY CERO!!! YOU LOWY BUCK!!!'' Valbrizo was mad and ready to lunch but stop when his saw the red hair woman.. ''You.. AKAYUKI!!''.   ''HOHO!..at last you show your true self at us huhh!! Don't you dare to run away from us now! I will catch you and free our Lord Hellmaster Gate and we Hellmaster Demon will raise again!''said Valbrizo ready to take Akayuki but Akayuki was glowing brightly and flash to the night sky leaving the Hellmaster Valbrizo behind.. ''I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE YOU AKAYUKI!!!''.
Valbrizo was also flash to catch the Red Hair Woman.. "What's.. that girl was....".said Ichigo and fainted to the ground..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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