the darkest flame and the hottest chill

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Jacks pov.

I thought i had grown out of his shadow. Grown out of jis sadistic ways,his nightmares,his satanic urges...but i was wrong. I could feel him at night clawing his way out ,trying to tip the scale and let the pain consume what little sanity i had bloomed during the day. I could see him,as clear as looking through a window to see what was on the inside when i gazed into the reflective galss of the mirror. i could see the people he mamed,tortured,killed. The peolpe he loved and the people he didn't laying dead at his hands. I could hear their screams at night and the whispers to kill the people who had just accepted me...and the worst part of all...I wanted too.

The more you fight to keep me in...the longer i'll shake the bars in this prison of a looney bin...Just give in and i'll stop. were the same person anyway.

Those very wordy taunting me,urging me,singing sweet nothings to me as i sleep and as i walk through the day. And every day i fear he's clser to sanity than i am. And who is he exactly? He is the hunter of spirits, destroyer of life, damnation of light, tainted blood, ally of the wild hunts leader; eres , a creature dangling between consciousness and oblivion...

Jokul Frosti...

My true self...

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