Chapter 4.- Medusa

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The fight was over but not for long. Back to Nephehia, Lucifer was very disappointed. He was shouting and hitting things. He decided to send many more demons up to Terra. He also sent the four snake-demon kings; Lamia, Medusa, Echidna, and Cecrops. They didn't arrive at the same place but they were sent to four places. Their task was to set some traps and kill them all. Medusa went near a water temple. Medusa's power was 'Petrification', in other words, the power to turn living things into stone statues. She used her power to turn every monk of that temple into statues. Now she was alone and ready to kill the traitor prince and the other kids. Our three heroes were flying around looking for the fourth girl of the prophecy. But they couldn't found her anywhere.

-''Where is she?'' Thea said disappointedly.

-''Well I have no idea, but we have to hurry and find her. I am not sure why but I think that we have a lot of things to do in order to stop that war'' Daniel answered.

-''Guys, I can see a temple from over here. Let's check it out'' Cho said.

The three heroes landed near the temple and went inside. It was way too silent but they were going ahead. There were statues everywhere; in the corners, by the entrance and so on. Cho heard some sound like a serpent moving. He freaked out a little. He told Thea and Daniel and they decided to check it out.

-''Look guys! I can see something moving over there'' Thea said.

-''Oh my god. I know that creature. She is one of the demon kings'' Daniel said. '' Guys, you really have to leave this place. It is really dangerous''

-''I won't leave you for anything in this world'' Thea answered.

-''Yeah. me neither. You are my best friend Dan'' Cho said too.

-''Listen to me. I know that this is difficult but you have to leave. Medusa can turn you into a statue. If she turns you, no one can save you. But if she turns me, I will return to Nephehia right away''

-''NO WAY! Your brother sent all of the demons here. Just imagine what he will do to you'' Thea said while crying.

-''Don't cry. I 'll be fine'' Daniel answered. ''Now leave''

-''Noo!'' Thea said and moved towards him.

-''Cho, I trust you. Take care of her'' Daniel said. After that, he revealed his horns and his demon wings and flew away.

Thea shouted his name and then started to cry. Cho summoned Phoenix, he helped Thea climb on him and they flew away. By that time Daniel had already found Medusa. They were fighting with such a power that the temple started to tremble. Daniel was sure that he would lose this fight but he was okay with that because Thea and Cho were safe. He was kind of afraid though. Not of Medusa. He knew that she couldn't kill him. He was afraid of Lucifer. He had to leave Nephehia as soon as possible.

Cho and Thea had already arrived far enough in order to escape. Suddenly, a huge tornado of black magic appeared above the temple where Daniel was fighting and a scream heard. It was Daniel. Thea revealed her angelic wings and flew towards there. Cho turned around and tried to catch her up.

-''Hey, he told me to keep you safe. I want to help too but I have a plan. Just be patient for a couple of minutes.'' Cho said.

-''No way. He is in danger Cho. I have to help him''

-''You will. But after the sunset''

-''What will we do until then? Do you have a plan or something?''

-''Yes I do. Follow me''

Back to the battlefield, Daniel was almost fully petrified.

-''Did you really thought you could defeat me?'' Medusa said.

-''Not exactly. But do you think I can die that easily?'' Daniel said while the petrification was almost complete.

-''What are you talking about?'' Medusa answered surprised.

Daniel didn't answer. His eyes became completely black and a crown appeared between his horns. The petrification was reversed and a Gate appeared bellow Daniel.

-''Despite everything else, I am a prince of Nephehia. My brothers and I only have this technique'' Daniel said with a voice deeper and scarier than his own.

-''What do you mean by that? What is happening to my body?'' Medusa said while her body was disappearing.

-''This technique allows us to erase the existence of our opponent but in exchange, we had to return to a deserted place back in Nephehia. Its name is... ''

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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