Part 7

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Louis: aye r u w/ maya rn?

Me: idk a maya

Louis: don't b a dipshit

Me: but I don't

Louis: k fine the hot girl that u brought to lake w us

Me: Mya? It's not maya

Louis: omfg same difference what's her #????

Sorry mate I think to myself, but I can't give you her number. She'd be mad at me for doing it, after what happened with the dipshit, David, I don't think she'd want another 'relationship' especially with Louis. He'd just break her heart, like he did mine.

"Hey Mya," I shout, not wanting to get out of my bed and go to her room.

Mya: what I don't wanna get up lolz

Me: Louis texted me he wants ur #

Mya: yeah no

Me: ik u don't wanna but maybe you should give it a chance maybe you could have another friend not abusive relationship or rape

Mya: no, sorry, but if he wants me he can and will work for it, because if then he just wants sex, he could get someone else

Me: so can I just start a group or whatever then pls

Mya: no

Me: cmon you're all friends

Mya: friends don't nearly break each other's ankles

I didn't bother to respond, she was right, he shouldn't have done that, it was wrong. I did want to give him her number though, but I couldn't. She had been through rape and now being pregnant... I couldn't do that to her. When's she's ready. When she's ready, she'll give him her number, and he'll show if they'll be friends or not.

Tick tick, Louis.

From Louis: well

I didn't bother to respond, it would just be rude.

From Louis: what's the #

From Louis: ?????

From Louis: dipshit I c u reading this

Cheap I read it, regardless I still wasn't going to do something against Mya.

To Louis: idk ask her

Sorry Louis, but I'm on her side. She's playing hard to get and it's funny. I walked jumped out of bed and went to Mya's room and walked besides her. I put the messages from Louis in front of her and neither of us said anything.

From Niall: hey can I get Mays's #? Then maybe we can all hang out :p

"Okay..." I trail off, "Niall just texted me," I said and showed her the message.

"Yeah Niall is good, I like that kid," she says laughing.

To Niall: 455-0000

A few minutes past and Niall just read her number and was probably about to text her some meme with sponge bob or something stupid.

"Uh why am I in a group chat, with you and 5 other people," she showed me another number, "and who is this, is this Niall?"

I went to my contacts to make sure it was him, and as I typed it in, Louis.



"It's uh..."I say trailing off.

"It's Louis, I'm blocking him," she says, "just kidding I wouldn't, but I'm not making any extra effort for him. If he wants to be friends, I want an apology."

She deserved one too.


Okay well that was a short and boring chapter

And I don't want this to go too quickly so

I think it'll be around 30-40 chapters but Idk yet

Also I gave up on video diaries unless I do it every 10 chapters idk yet

Anyways gn



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