In Regards to Love: Agape

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They were here again. The excitement was palpable as Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov opened the doors to the energized, crammed stadium, and floated gracefully into the stands of the rink. The crowd cheered loudly at seeing the duo, and upon hearing the wild shouting, both turned and smiled, waving to the camera.          

"Are you ready Yuuri?" Viktor whispered into the younger man's ear, smiling.

"Yes, Viktor," he replied, his voice firm with determination. This was it. This was his year. He had promised Viktor that he would win gold this year!

"I promise Viktor, you won't regret. You're time has not been a waste. Today, I'll make you the proudest you've ever been!" Yuuri declared with tenacious passion; his eyes sparking with heat and resolve.

Viktor met the intense gaze of those eyes. How they sparkled. How they raged. Viktor held back a shiver. He knew, that even if Yuuri didn't win, he would make Viktor proud, no matter what it took. So wrapped up in the ferocity of the moment that he couldn't even manage a smile, Viktor nodded.

"I know you will," he replied, eyes narrowing, the usually playful blue darkening to a grave steely gray. He wanted to match Yuuri. For all his devotion. For all his zeal. For all his passion.

"Пусть ваша настойчивость перенесет вас. Пусть он поддержит вас. И огненные крылья могут Passion в предоставлении вам рейс. Fly Юри. Fly."

    Yuuri nodded, his eyes narrowed and focused, his body relaxed and yet tense, and his eyes. Oh...those furious eyes. The sheer passion, no, lust, they portrayed. The desire, the need, to skate, to fly, and to grab the golden disk of the sun straight from the sky. Yuuri took just a moment from his flaming, consuming ardor, to reflect on Viktor's words. He smiled. Viktor had been teaching him a little Russian here and there; and he knew enough to translate Viktor's beautiful words.

"Let your perseverance carry you. Let it sustain you. And may passion's fiery wings grant you flight. Fly Yuuri. Fly."

"Я буду. Я буду летать выше, чем когда-либо прежде. Мимо звезд. Мимо луны. И прямо к солнцу!" was his answer.

"I will. I will fly higher than ever before. Past the stars. Past the moon. And straight to the sun!"  

    Yuuri was the last to perform. He knew, he would have to shine. He knew, that for this performance, he would have to light himself on fire, and skate until he was soaring. He had practiced with such zeal and devotion, all day, all night, for days and weeks. Skating until he was breathless. Soaring, until he collapsed. There will be no collapse now. Only soaring. Yuuri looked up upon hearing his name called. Casting one last glance at Viktor, he glided onto the ice.

    Now Viktor did shiver. That glance, one could hardly call it that. It was more like a glare. A burning, piercing, smoldering glower, that portrayed a very different side of Yuuri. An exciting and confident man who would shine until the last moment, until he reached his supernova.

"Now, Katsuki Yuuri is taking the ice. Last year, Yuuri took silver in the grand prix, set a new world record, and lost to Russian counterpart Yuri Plitskey by 0.12 points. Now he's back with his coach, Viktor Nikiforov, and he says he's here to win. His theme this season has been flame and flight, a passionate combination which has stunned audiences, judges, and even his coach time and time again. One can only wonder, has he maxed out? Or does Yuuri Katsuki still have more to give us?"

"You show them Yuuri," Viktor muttered, eyes glued to the beautiful lithe form that fluidly took his position on the ice.

"He will be skating to 'On Love: Eros.' He says it was the first song he ever skated to with Viktor as his coach, and he's using it now as a monument and tribute to his teacher. He has even gone so far as to dedicate this performance, to Viktor."

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