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**DEDICATED TO everyone who wanted a Spoby makeout session! You're getting something like that in this chapter! ;) Hehe ONTO THE STORY!! **

Next day▼

"So how are you doing, Aria?" I ask through the phone.

She sighs and shakily says, "Fine." She's lying. Her voice shakes when she lies.

But I try not to make a big deal out of it.

"So how about you?" She changes the subject.

"Being on lockdown sucks. Toby made me promise to rest when I got home so I did. Then he purposely turned off my alarm so I could spend the whole day getting some sleep. He almost barely let me call you." I whisper, gushing like in seventh grade when there was a juicy new rumor.

"Since when did your perfect attendance go downhill?" Aria questions.

I sigh and said, "I know right?" I wanted to avoid the real reason why I had missed school so much in the first place.

I turn around when I hear a 'Psst'. Toby stands next to my bed in just his boxers and ruffled hair. My eyes widen.

"U-um Aria, I've got to, uh sleep. Bye!" I immediately hang up. I set down my phone on the desk beside me and slowly walk towards Toby.

He moves towards the bed and just lays there, staring at me, waiting for me to continue towards him.

Is this really going to happen? Am I really ready? How will I know that what happened that one time Toby and I almost went that far won't happen again?

Goosebumps rise on my arm and I push those thoughts away. Of course I'm ready. We may have only been together for two months but its felt like forever already.

I shuffle and hop onto the bed. A small smile plays on my face. I'm so nervous.

"Get some rest." Toby demands. He's kidding, right?

"But I'm not tired." I reply.

"Well do you want me to make you exhausted enough to sleep?" He smoothly says.

He's doing that stupid grin that shows the crinkles by his eyes and I melt inside.

I bite my lip and nod slowly.

He leans over to me, his body touching against mine. We're really close considering that I have on a tank top and shorts.

He makes the first move and crashes his lips onto mine. The way our lips move together and how we both pull apart for air at the same time is perfect, synced.

My hand immediately goes to Toby's hair, ruffling it up even more than it was before.

He is so attractive with ruffled hair.

His hands move down to my waist and lingers on the hem of my tank top. He pulls it up and over my head.

The kiss deepens and I suddenly feel hot. His tongue licks across his lips, and mine too. My lips part and next thing you know, our tongues meet.

Toby pulls away and I hope he didn't hear me wince. His lips trail down my neck to my chest and leaves wet kisses on my stomach.

He comes back up and kisses me on the tip of my nose. He moves to my ear and his voice, gentle and rough at the same time, whispers, "No. Not today."

He leans back over to his side and stares at me again with a small smile.

"What? What do you mean not today? I'm ready Toby." I try to convince him.

He shakes his head, frowning. "No you're not. And its a little bit too soon. Its only been two months, Spence."

I want to argue but he was right about one thing. I really do feel exhausted.

I simply say, "Alright. We'll talk about it later." I hope he can hear the slight annoyance in my voice.

I think he does because he sighs and and pulls the cover over us. He wraps his legs around mine and pulls our body close together, spooning.

I sigh. I can't ever stay mad at him. It's impossible. I turn my head and kiss Toby's cheek.

I turn my head back around and close my eyes to drift off to sleep.

[[A.N. I was gonna give a sneak peak but no one answered the question on my IG! Its okay so here's the update! I'm sorry I didn't get to update yesterday due to my lazyness.

I think Spencer is gonna get stabbed in tomorrow's episode by A. And I think the girls look so lovely in those wedding dresses! Goodnight or morning or whatever time it is for you! KEEP CALM AND SHIP SPOBY! ]]

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