New Car

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**DEDICATED TO cutesell !!! Will you love this chapter, too? Onto the story! **

"Toby," a soft voice says, "wake up." 

"Wake up." The voice says more urgently. "Please." They whisper.

My eyes shoot open and I panic for a moment, unsure of where I am. I look to where I heard the voice and there, crouched on the ground, is Spencer. She has bags under her lowered, brown eyes.

I sigh. I've missed waking up to her, even if she looks like crap.

"Good morning, beautiful." I mindlessly say.

Just then, her eyes twinkle and the ends of her lips tug at a smile. Then, someone knocks on the front door. The twinkle in her eyes disappear and the almost-smile settled into a frown. "Someone's at the door for you." She hesitantly announces.

I stand up from the couch and trudged over to the door. I open it to reveal a man, who looks to be about in his mid-forties, in a suit. "Toby Cavanaugh?" He asked. 

I only nodded.

"Come with me." He proceeds to lead me to a black BMW.

"What's this?" I ask him, not understanding why he called me to this vehicle.

"Your mother left you was for your birthday." The man states in a grave tone. The look on his face is a blend of serious and sympathetic. I hate sympathy.

"Okay, thanks." I say, completely aware of how rude I sound. The man hands me a pair of keys and stalks off to his car, driving away without another second to waste.

"Wow." Spencer mutters from behind me.

"Yeah." I silently agree. I turn to face her, but she's already facing me. 

"Are you okay?" She questions, that small hint of concern she always had in her face when she would wonder about me shows. That was a good question, though. Was I okay? Honestly, no.

My mom is gone, and I lost the only other family I had. And then, the best part is, I have this anonymous stalker on my ass who loves to torture me with people I love by showing me their corpses via photo. How much better can life get for Toby Cavanaugh? Oh yeah, don't forget I received a car from my dead mom and I don't even have a job to put gas in it. I'm just splendid.

"Honestly, no." I tell Spencer. I can feel her eyes burning into mine before I look down, breaking eye contact. 

I can't do this. I can't not be okay and have staring contests with Spencer, and not kiss her. That's like telling a person not to breathe; it's impossible. Spencer practically walks around holding a sign that says 'Unkissable'. It's probably her golden rule as of this moment.

But, for once, I'm not the one breaking the rules. Spencer places both of her hands on either side of my face, and lifts my head up. I gaze into her eyes to keep mine from welling up. She stands on the tip of her toes, leans in, and kisses me.

It's one of those kisses, the desperate one; the one where its really intense, slow, passionate. I don't want to let go. I need this. We both do. 

I gently wrap my arms around her waist, embracing her. There's no rush. Our lips mold together perfectly, the same way our hands fit perfectly when I intertwine them. 

I don't dare to slip a tongue or move my hands anywhere. Anything can ruin the moment and I'm not taking the chance. 

I love her so much. The way she runs her fingers through my hair and gently pulls drives me over the edge. How was I so lucky to have her? She's a gift from the Gods, the perfect blend of Aphrodite and Athena. 

"Toby," Spencer whimpers. She pulls back, quietly gasping for air. "We can't keep doing this to ourselves." 

"I know." I agree. We can't torment ourself with each other's presence. But we also can't stay away from each other. How does that work?

After a moment's silence, I release her from the embrace. "I have to go. I've got some business to take care of."

Spencer's eyebrows knit together but she shakes her head. "Yeah, I should take Ali down to the grocery market. We're running low on food." She awkwardly claims.

"Who is Ali?" I ask her.

She blushes, and looks towards her car. "I decided to give it a name. I don't know, it was something off the top of my head." She looks so cute when she's rambling.

I nod and smile at her. She grants me a small smile and remarked, "You should go take care of that business." 

"Right." I forgot for a moment. 

I strolled to my new car, and put the keys in the ignition. It silently came to a life, smoothly running. I back out of the driveway. I am determined as I drive to my destination.

*                                              *                                            *

"Sit and wait here." The guard demands. I follow his orders and patiently wait. My leg begins to shake and my heart rate slightly picks up. You have to do this, I remind myself. For Spencer and I.

Here he comes. I watch as the guard sits him in the seat in front of me and stands a few feet by.

"Hey there, cousin." Tanner says with a smirk. Apparently, his cocky attitude hasn't change, although everything else has. He has gotten slightly skinnier and two bruises are obvious on his left cheek.

"We need to talk, Tanner." I say discreetly. "Someone else is after Spencer and I and they obviously know about you. And this person is sick. They took a picture of my mom's dead body." I cringe at the memory of the photo.

Tanner leans in, intrigued. "Wait, Aunt Mari is dead?" I grimace at the name he calls her. I've always disliked him calling her that. But I nod.

"This person really is sick. What else did they do?"

"This person almost killed one of Spencer's best friend, Aria, on a ferris wheel."

"Oh yeah, I remember that Aria chick. She used to be in my art class before I switched and-" He continues to talk.

"Tanner, I frankly don't care right now. Just tell me, do you know who could've done this?" I desperately ask.

He sighs and leans back in his chair. "Sadly, I don't. But Toby, whatever you do, protect Spencer at all costs." His eyes are dark when he orders me to protect Spencer. 

"Of course." I tell him. 

"Listen man, at least tell me one thing... How is she?" He asks. 

I don't want to notify him about Spencer and I's current status, let alone hers. I give him a basic answer. "Spencer is...Spencer."

With that, I get up and walk out. I sit in my car, as weird as it feels to say that, and think. I notice a note under the windshield. I open the window and remove it. I open the note, and it reads:

Tanner isn't going to help.Thanks for trying but you won't know who I am until I want you to. Best of luck.

I crumple up the note and toss it out the window. I have to figure out who this person is, and in the meantime, protect Spencer.  

 [[A.N. This chapter had a bit more words in it than usual, wow. Sorry for not updating yesterday, it was a horrible day. I nearly drowned but survived with a deep cut and scratches on my knees and legs. Oh and of course, family drama. Nothing new with that, though.

Anyways, as you can see, you all voted for Ali! Woohoo! I'm going to try to update sometime between Thursday and Saturday.

Also, thoughts on the chapter? :)


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