The Meeting

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The clapped echoed through the room. Everyone continued to talk even though that was the signal to stop talking. Mr. Storey clapped one final time, getting impatient. 

"Shut up now!!! Next person to talk gets a lunch detention", Ms. Huxley yelled. Everyone started laughing right after. Then Mr. Shockley walked in and it went silent. 

"Thank you Mr. Shockley. So today is a Day 3 and a special schedule. I know we are the only grade here and you all are so excited about the party-", Mr. Storey said.

"Why can't we skip school? Why isn't school canceled? Who's going to die?" Everyone started yelling out questions since Mr. Storey was too dumb to address the real problem. Kendal sat right in front of him, dosing off since she only had 3 hours of sleep. 

"Okay everyone stop talking. I know the old rumor about how one person in 8th grade is guaranteed to die but its a rumor. It's purely a rumor and it's just coincidental when someone dies. Curses aren't real. We make sure you don't skip school today because Mrs. Lyle is paranoid and thinks every time someone skips school on this day, they die. All this is false and that is why we are continuing a "normal" school day." Kendal was halfway asleep when she heard footsteps at the ed of the hall. No one was suppose to be outside of Harris. All the teachers were here, it looked like everyone was here. Kendal looked around the room and was about to keep going when she saw something unusual in the corner. What looked like kids in hoodies, were hoodies stuffed with pillows.  Kendal ducked under the table right when the gun went off. Eight hooded figures came in with AK-12s. 

"Shut up! Now do what we saw and only one person will be shot". Someone in the back of the room yelled "I vote Caleb gets killed first". Kendal couldn't help but laugh under the table. 

"We're going to sort you into a classroom. Don't do anything stupid unless you want to be shot in the head. Get that girl under the table!" Kendal was about to run but a guy grabbed her before she could. 

"Where does she go anyways?" Everyone's eyes were on her. Kendal was counting down from 10 in her head, waiting to hit him in the balls. When she got to 8, the top guy responded.

"Put her in Clark with the others." She was pushed into Clark and tripped over a backpack.

"Stupid little shits!" Every minute another person was added to the room. After 30 minutes, no one came into room anymore and a guy was stationed outside the room. Kendal assumed there were about 20 people in the room including Ms. Clark. Kendal couldn't stop freaking out. 

"Is Raneem in here? Te'a? Anyone I like." Kendal started hyperventilating. 

"I'm here Kendal." Hollis walked up to her and Kendal pushed her away and Hollis fell in the door.

"Who did that? We said don't try anything. Who do we have to shoot for you guys to understand?" He started approaching Hollis and Kendal had no intention of saying she pushed her.

"Kendal pushed me! It's her fault! Kill her, not me! I will give you as much money as you want!" Hollis ran into the back of the room and started sobbing. The guy grabbed Kendal by the hair and pulled  her out in the hall.

"Hey, Hawk, here's the bitch you want!" Standing in front of Kendal was the person who she hated the most and the person who hated her the most.

"Hi John".

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