Chapter 4

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Y/n P.O.V.

I blinked a couple of times "Huh?? How? What?" I asked totally confused

"Hehe, something wrong? It seems like the cat's got your tongue" Shun said with a closed eye smile

Which made me more confused "Uh right um breakfast is ready," I said leaving the two guys


I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I quickly check my phone when I enter the elevator 

'Hey Y/n when do you want us at your place'  I saw Ame had to text me I sighed a small sigh of relief but I still felt upset

'I'm heading out right now so go ahead I'll meet ya there' I texted back putting my phone back in my pocket

I got on my floor quickly went to my room grabbing my keys and wallet before heading out the door as Shun and Haru entered

"See ya guys," I said quickly heading to the stairs

No One P.O.V.

"See ya guys," Y/n said as quickly leaving everyone quite stunned at her sudden retreat

"She seemed to be in a hurry huh?" Kai asked concern filling his voice

"She could be wary of us we are strangers to her," Arata said taking a sip of his strawberry milk

"What makes you say that?" Aoi asked looking at his friends

"Well she moved in with a bunch of guys she doesn't know," Arata said bluntly

"Arata has point we should try and make her feel more comfortable," Hajime said

"I agree you always come up with the best ideas Hajime," Shun said happily

"Ok, but how do we make her feel comfortable?" Kai asked

"We should throw her a welcome party!" Koi, Kakeru, and Iku said in unison

"A party?" Haru asked looking at the three boys then at Hajime and Kai they both nodded their heads agreeing

"Oh hell yeah Aoi and Yoru can cook the food while I and Arata provide the music," You said standing up full of excitement 

"Yeah me, Rui, Iku, and Kakeru could help Aoi and Yoru," Koi said "We can also invite the girls over" 

"That sounds like a good plan," Hajime said smiling 

Everyone smiled as they started the preparations

Y/n P.O.V.

I made it to my house I quickly looked around to see if I could spot my friends


I heard my phone going off I quickly checked it saw it was a text

'We're almost there just a couple of minutes away,'

I closed the app leaning against a tree looking through my music, I decided to look up the guy's songs to see what it was all about

They had quite a bit between both groups but one caught my eye

"Hm? Childish Flower?" I mumble to myself as I played the song

"Hmm Childish Flower" I hummed the song or at least tried anyway

"My, my I never thought I see the day," A teasing voice said

I jumped turning off the song looking to see my friends with concerned to annoyed to sly looks on their faces 

"I-I don't k-know what y-your talking about," I said stuttering a bit

"Oh yes you do I knew you would get into them," Ame said coming closer to me

"Yeah right"

"Then why were you listening to Rui and Iku song" 

"Out of curiosity of course anyway that's not why we're here," I said changing the conversation 

"Awww you're no fun but ok what do you want us to do?" 

I took a deep breath then exhale looking at them "Nite, Luci I want you two to stay out here as a lookout while Ame and I go inside"

"Alright," Nite said nodding his head

"Just get this over with I would like to continue our date," Luci said with a sigh of annoyance

Ame gave Luci a look before turning to me "Lead the way boss" She said in a soft tone

I went to the door pulling out my key quietly opening the door peaking inside

"All clear?" Ame asked

"All clear let's hurry before that asshole comes back," I said going inside going towards my room

After collecting all my stuff I stood looking at the final family photo we took

"Hey, everything is ready. Helen agreed to keep your stuff at our place in storage" Ame said standing next to me looking at the picture

"Thanks again Ame," I said looking away from the picture to the letter I wrote

"Are you sure about this? Like really sure?" Ame asked her voice full of concerned

I nodded my head "Yes let's go" I said sticking the note on the fridge

Small Timeskip

"Thanks again but why can't I stay in here?" I asked putting the final box down

"Cause Helen wouldn't want you in the storage house"

"That's right she's too kind"

"Are we talking about the same person?"

"Heh I don't know maybe but thanks again"

"Heh it's no problem now stop saying thanks"

"Alright I'll let you get back to your date before your boyfriends kill me"

"Hehe Nite not like that and Luci well it's Luci, you want us to drop you off anywhere?" Ame asked

I shook my head "Nah I'm good"

"Ok see ya later," Ame said walking out the door.

After I left Helen's house I headed to the mall

"Ok first thing first the camera," I said to myself

"Do you know which camera you want" I heard a voice from behind me making me jump quickly turning around

"Huh? Shimotsuki when did you get here? How are we not surrounded by fans?" I asked confused looking around

"Just now I thought we can enjoy our time together without any interruptions," He said with a smile

"Um ok then let's get started," I said still looking around 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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