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The sun had no mercy on Buenos Aires this day. It was the hottest day in weeks, but also the most beautiful one – at least, if your name wasn't Matteo Balsano. Having just arrived in Argentina, there was a chance he already had screwed up. Big time.

The city looked the same then when Matteo had left. He knew because both times had he spend the car ride scanning every street, every house they passed, every person. While his parents sat in the front seat, talking about all the things they needed to get done once they arrived in their new house, he hoped to find a similar face. Starting a year ago, nothing about this city had left his thoughts for more than a day.

"Matteo", his dad suddenly demanded attention, "You still haven't decided what you're going to do until your classes start, haven't you?" He sounded vaguely annoyed, which didn't come as a surprise. Matteo still lively remembered the countless fights and discussions and slammed doors about his major. But he wouldn't give up now and switch from physics and astronomy to legal studies, just because his dad still threw a fit about it. However, not having a plan for the next two months seemed to be worse right now. At least, not having any plans his parents knew of. Or approved of.

"I'm not sure, perhaps I'll start working at Jam&Roller." Through the rearview mirror, his dad shot him a look. "But you're not considering this because of this little girl, right?"

"No, of course not", he replied, ignoring how his heart skipped a beat just from the thought of seeing "this little girl" again. "I told you I'm over her." As a reward, he received a smile, along with an affirming "Good". Still, Matteo questioned the choices he made during the last year. Would he have to face this dilemma all over again? Choosing between Luna and a good relationship with his parents? Because this time, the decision would end up being a lot harder.

In contrast, there were a few things just as easy as always. For example, finding the way to Gastón's place. Without even as much as a glance on a map he reached the familiar gate. For a moment, Matteo paused. So many memories came up, good ones, that filled him with even more excitement. He pulled his phone out. Seconds later, he heard the same old "Hello?", followed by "Matteo, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. Nice to hear you again."

"Couldn't agree more. I haven't heard from you in weeks, how are you doing?" Matteo nearly felt the smile on Gastón's face. "I'm sorry about that, really, but you know, we moved again, so I was too busy."

"Wait, what do you mean? You moved again? Why are you calling me from your Italian number, then?" He grinned. Now the conversation went into the direction he needed. "I'll explain it to you, I promise. But first I must ask, are you at home? Because if you are, I need you to do something for me." "Yeah, everything for you", Gastón interrupted. "Okay. Look out of your window."

Indeed, a face appeared in the one window that belonged to his best friend's room. Matteo waved. Even from the outside, he heard the excited scream.

A minute passed by. The door didn't open and waiting for Gastón to come out felt like torture now. Then, finally, a movement. A boy running straight towards the gate. With a smile too big for their faces, they went straight for a hug. "I can't believe you're back", Gastón mumbled. "You better start believing it", Matteo replied, "because I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon." If possible, Gastón's smile got even bigger, unfolding all the way up to his ears.

"When did you come back?"

They sat in the garden, on one of the chairs they had already spent hours in over the course of their friendship. "Actually, this morning." Gastón's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you telling me coming to me was the first thing you did?"

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