Chapter 3 - Missing her

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"I miss you in waves and tonight I’m drowning. You left me fending for my life and it feels like you’re the only one who can bring me back to the shore alive." - Denice Envall

Sarada was woke by the sun rays that were reflected by the white snow. She lazily opened her eyes, not knowing for some seconds where she was. Then she remembered yesterday. She looked at her right side and saw a blubble gum haired girl that slept peacefully, holding her tight at her chest. The little raven smiled. It was so long since she slept this good. She realized that she started to like Sakura more than anywone in just one day. The pink haired princess was selfless and kind, unlike the people that surrouded her. Her colours gave her a warm vibe. The Uchiha heiress giggled.

She lifted her head and took her glasses from the nightstand. On a chair, in front of the bed, she observed a dark figure sleeping, his head hung low.

"Papaaa!" she screamed, jumping from pinkette's arms.

Sakura lazily rubbed her tired eyes while Sarada jumped on her father's lap, not giving him time to wake. He blinked a few times. He fell asleep, damn it. He hugged his precious daughter.

The pinkette watched the scene in front of her, her features softening.

"What are you doing here, papa?" the little girl asked curious.

"Hn, fell asleep when I came to take you home."

Sarada's eyes moved to Sakura then back to her father.

"You two can stay for breakfast." Sakura told the two Uchihas, smiling brightly. Her smile warmed his cold heart but he knew that it won't last. After he will be out of that door, she will return to her gloomy mood so he decided to take her offer and stay a little longer. Not that he wanted to watch her as long as possible, not at all. Or that's what he tried to convince himself.

He nodded while Sarada jumped happily.


Sakura served them pancakes, eggs and bacon and sat at the table in front of Sasuke. She couldn't eat so she poured herself only a glass of water. Her long nails tapped on the glass, gaining Sasuke's attention.

"You should eat." he told her in his stern voice which made her bite her lower lip

"I'm fine." she lied. He knew everything from Naruto but decided not to argue. It's not in his nature to care, show worry or emotions so he let her be.

"The food tastes better than mom's food." Sarada confessed sincerly, making Sasuke smirk. Sakura smiled awkardly.

"I am sure that your mother tries her best for you." she told the little girl even though her own words cut like knives. They were talking about Sasuke's wife, after all. He frowned. He knew better that she didn't. Only if he told her to be more careful around their daughter.

After they finished their breakfast, Sasuke offered to wash the dishes which she declined. She loved to have them around but Karin was probably worried.

They said their goodbyes and headed home. As soon as they entered, the red haired Uzumaki, now Uchiha, started to scream

"Where have you been? I made dinner and breakfast for three people and I had to eat alone and worry for you two."

Sasuke took off his shoes, not bothering to answer. He needed a shower so bad. Karin grabbed his wrist when he was about to go upstairs.

"Stop ignoring me. Why are you always acting like this? Would it hurt to be more sensitive?" she asked him, her voice softening.

He thought about it. He was sensitive, not the usual type of sensitive but still... He didn't know how to show feelings, he had yet to learn but for who? The only person who should share his feelings is out there, unaware of the power she has over him.

"Let go." he told her in such a cold tone, that made her tremble and back up.

He got into the shower, the warm water relaxing his muscles. He threw his head back, letting all the water pour on his face.

"Sakura..." he whispered.

He sighed heavily. Why was everything so complicated? Why was he such an idiot?

He bit his lower lip. With his eyes closed he could see her long pink hair, the 100 healiangs mark that completed perfectly her big forehead, her big emerald eyes that always stared at him with love and hope, those small pink lips that always called him "Sasuke-kun" and her skinny frame that made people say that if she would be thicker, she would be perfect. He frowned. No, she is perfect. Screw what people think. He wouldn't change anything about her.

He washed his body, putting a towel around his waist and goind into the bedroom to grab some clean clothes. There was Karin who was searching for something.

"Sasuke-kun, have you seen my wedding ring?" she asked him, with her back facing him.

"Hn." of course he saw it. It was in his possesion. She doesn't need it. It should be on another finger. When will she get that he doesn't love her? That this marriage is not real? Was she that blind? Did love make her too blind to see that everything is fake and she's just a replacement for his real soulmate? Did she really think that he could love her after he tossed her around? He and Sakura had a history but with Karin? He only saved her once at the Chuunin exams but that's it. Nothing more. Sakura was the first person that he ever opened his heart to, the first person to know about his clan after the massacre. She really loved him and never missed a chance to tell him. What Karin felt for him was only lust, sexual desire but she couldn't make the difference. He didn't need that, he craved pure love, that's how his heart was designed, that's how Uchihas were despite their hatred. His heart was rotten and needed to be revived, but only she can do that. Sex can't heal that hole from his heart and he would rather not have it at all than have it with no emotion.

She turned around, her eyes widening and almost popping out. She took in his almost naked apparence. Droplets of water were still present on his toned muscles.

She took off her glasses and approached him, putting both of her hands on his chest.

"Sasuke-kun." she whispered. He cringed.

"I gotta get dressed." he said coldly, looking her dead in the eyes.

"Don't you wanna have some fun before that?" she asked in her annoying voice.

She put her hand on the white towel but he firmly grabbed her wrist, looking into her eyes with his Sharingan activated. She trembled.

"I said... I gotta get dressed." he said through gritted teeth, making her jump back, and running out of the room. He sighed.

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