Chapter 14 - Back home

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"I have accepted fear as part of life – specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back..." - Erica Jong

As the days passed, the coldness weakened. The weather was bearable and the two heroes thought that it's time to go home. They were away for one month already. Not Sakura, though, she didn't want to go back. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with him, alone, away from everybody and every worry, away from enemies. But every beautiful story comes to an end. The only thing you can do is to hold onto memories for as long as you can and as long as they don't make you feel alone. She had a hurt expression on her beautiful face. It was like that damned day all over again. The day when he decided to take another path without her.

In the past days, they spoke more. Sasuke started to smile and he even laughed at one of her jokes. It was so unlike him but his laugh was the most beautiful melody to her ears. It made her chest warm, it made her happy. She discovered that he was also a playful man and she couldn't stop but wonder if he was the same with her...

"Well Sasuke-kun... You have something on your... Nose." she said, getting closer to his face. He waited for the so desired kiss that never came. Instead, the pinkette spreaded some chocolate cream on his nose, using her finger. She started laughing at his funny and surprised face.

"That's it!" he suddenly got up from the chair, pressing his palm hard against it. Sakura jumped sightly but started to laugh and run towards the stairs, and towards the bedroom's safety.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asked frustrated and took after her. Her giggle echoed through the entire house, filling the cold evening with happiness. He couldn't help but giggle too as he cheased after the girl that he adored so much.

His hand wrapped around her waist, pressing her back to his chest and making her blush. His lips brushed her ear.

"You know that I hate sweets." he whiapered seductively into her ear, making her tremble.

She lost her balance and fell on the floor, pulling Sasuke down with her. She started giggling again, making him smile softly as he stared down at her.

"You're not gonna do that again, I'll make sure." he smirked devilishly. Her eyes widened in panick. His fingers started tickling her, earning a franatical laugh from the beauty.

"Hahaha, Sasuke-kun, stop..."

She smiled softly to herself as they continued to walk in silence.

His mind, on the other hand, was back at his daughter. How did she handle the situation? How did Karin treat her? Did she hate him again for leaving or she will understand? He frowned. So many questions that he died to know the answer to. But... At the same time he didn't want to. He took a glace at the pinkette. The time with her was almost over and he felt a lump in his throat. He didn't even dare to walk close to her. How could he face her after this? He was still married and had a huge responsibility on his shoulders. He exhaled.

The huge gates of Konoha came into view and he noticed three blurry figures from afar. He narrowed his eyes. There was Naruto with his arms folded to his chest and a very mature posture, Karin who kinda looked pissed as always and... His beloved daughter smiling and waving to him. He smiled back at her, raising his hand and waving.

"Papaaaa!" she ran to him and jumped into his arms as he reached the group. "I've missed you!" she kissed him on the cheek sweetly. He smiled.

"Finally. But you didn't tell me that you were going with her." Karin shot Sakura a glare, who was standing awkwardly behind Sasuke. He tried to ignore her and seem casual.

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