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About a week or two went by, and things were starting to work out. Honestly, most of my doubts on the government were faded away.

Our shelter was more reinforced, we had a stock of berries for food, and the guys knew when and where to get the best fish.

Me? Well I build a bigger fire; one that has a stick over it when cooking food.

Oh, and the bananas? Yeah, the monkey still won.

It was a hot day. Really humid if you ask me, and all of the insects decided to show up.

I had decided that I wanted to dip my feet in the river to cool off.

"Hey, guys. Anyone wanna cool off with me?" I asked

"Why not, I'll go." Evelyn replied.

Evelyn and I wandered to the small stream by our camp, took off our shoes, and sat on the ground.

We had become closer in the past few weeks.

Placing my bag near the edge of the stream I pulled out my water pot, and started to dump water on my hands and feet.

Evelyn just sat and stared at the wall.

"So...I think Darren almost killed a snake." She started conversation.

"Oh, wow, good for him." I replied

Now I know what your thinking. Me complimenting Darren? Crazy right? Well him and I stay in our own lanes. I think it's better for our situation.

I looked up at the sky, the sun shining bright.

"How do you think space travel is going to be?" I asked

"Well, I'm assuming the government may have found a planet with extreme heat. Maybe we are going to prove that people can actually live in space." She mused, looking up.

"You know, on the first day here, I doubted the government. I even saw the government official drop a paper. When I looked at it during the night, it was blank." I spoke

"Huh, that's weird. Can I take a look?" She asked.

I fished the paper out of the bag and handed it to her.

She took it from me, examining it. She turned it over, upside down, and held it up to the light.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she looked up at me. "Kiera, I thought you said this paper was blank. There are words on here."


"What you mean? There was nothing on their weeks ago." I frowned

She passed me the paper, and I held it into the sun and my eyes widened.

Project Survival: 20 teens sent to the island.
Mission: take earth's natural resources, send people to repopulate in space as slaves. Kill the rest.

"Eve, you have to read this. The government...they...they...they're." I flung the paper towards Evelyn and backed away.

Kill the rest

Evelyn gasped,"Is this true?"

I looked at her, "I'm not sure, but we should keep it on the low..I always had my suspicions.."

"It was probably sun activated!" Eve guessed.

I took the paper and shoved it into my bag.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Kiera. You're a good person. The secrets safe with me." She smiled

"Well you know what they say... what happens by the stream stays by the stream." I laughed

"For sure." She giggled as we both walked back to camp.

I can't believe this! The government is going to kill people! Innocent lives! All for stupid resources.

If you can't tell already, it is 2090, and the past generations have used a lot of coal. The government will stop at nothing to strip down the earth. We are just experiments. They probably want us to die. Ha.

I mean, I have no clue how the other groups are doing. We are secluded from the rest.

And this stupid band around my wrist! They were probably listening right know! But who cares!

I always wondered what it was like hundreds of years ago. In history, we learned about how our country was founded. Everything just seemed better back then.

But here we are know, on an island, surviving.

"Kiera.. you there." Noah said waving a hand in front of my face.

My cheeks flushed, "Sorry, what was that? Lost in thought."

"It's fine. Just wanted to tell you a momentous occasion. Darren killed a snake." He said happily

"Oh yeah, Evelyn told me earlier." I said blandly.

"Listen..I know he's kind of mean to you, but once you get to know him he's-"

"Noah, I get it, but I don't think he'll ever warm up to me. I don't even know what I did to upset him." I frowned.

"Just...give him a chance. Maybe he'll warm up to you." Noah gave me a genuine smile

"Maybe....Now, were you going to ask me to cook the snake." I asked jokingly.

"I though you'd never ask." Noah smiled widely at me.

"I'll get to cooking then" I replied.

Cooking would get my mind off the government. My mom and I used to cook, and it was something I enjoyed to do when I had the time.

It was my first time cooking snake, so it took a bit to get used to, but I eventually got the hang of it.

I began to hand out pieces of meat to everyone.

We were all seated by the fire, and the sun was setting.

"Here Gabby, I saved the best for last."I smiled and handed her a piece of snake.

"You're really the best, Kiera. Thanks for this." She grinned at me.

"Cheers to Kiera! And cheers to this freaky island we call home!" Gabby yelled.

"Cheers!" Everyone yelled and began to eat.

It was at this moment I was glad to be stuck on an Island with these guys. I would not have it any other way.

Yeah, the government is probably planning to kill people as we speak, but I could deal with that tomorrow.

Now, I would enjoy the snake and berries and laughter by the fire.

I could tell this was going to be a good night.

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