Chapter 18

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Maddy’s POV

                “Hello passengers.” I shot up in my seat and blinked drowsily at the flight attendant. She gave us a sad smile as those of us who were sleeping struggled to wake up fully. “I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience but unfortunately we’re going to have to land at the nearby airport for now. There’s a pretty bad storm brewing ahead and we aren’t going to be able to fly around it so we have to land. You all are welcome to stay inside the jet with us or you can go inside the airport. It looks like the storm is going to be a long one and may last overnight. We’ll provide you with plenty of pillows and blankets. I’m sorry again for the delay.” She left.

                My mind is still fogged with sleep but it quickly dissipated when I realized what she said and then thought about our current situation. My eyes got huge and I dropped my head into my hands.

                “This can’t be happening,” I whispered. What if this storm lasts longer than they think and then we don’t get to Washington in time? We can’t catch a cab or anything because we have to have Justin with us and there is no way to get him there without the jet. Jonathon also said that he would have a vehicle waiting for us when we get to the airport in Washington that will take us to the Elders.

                What if I’m too late and Justin…

                I started to sob quietly and- after a little more than ten minutes- ran out of tears. Everyone else was silent for the most part. Rain began pounding on the jet and I stared solemnly out the window. My head pounded but I ignored it.

                “Maddy?” I turned to look at whoever spoke and saw Ashley sitting down beside me with a small plate of fruit and a sandwich and a bottle of water. She offered it to me and I was about to reject it but then remembered the baby/babies. My stomach fluttered and I reached out to take them. She also handed me two Tylenol. “I thought you would need these.”

                “T-thank you.” My voice cracked and I popped the pills into my mouth, swallowing them down with water. She smiled and nodded before going back over to where the others are. I think they’re trying to give me time to myself to think over things.

                As I gazed out the window again and munched on a grape I shut out the memories that I don’t want to think about right now. Just when my eyes started to cloud up with tears again I heard Andy calling my name and saw him waving something around out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw that it’s a remote.

                “Look Maddy!” he said excitedly. He’s trying to lighten the mood. “They have a flat screen TV and it’s hooked up to Netflix! Come watch something with us!” I hesitated for a moment but then slowly uncurled my legs from under me. I got out of my seat and stretched for the first time since we got on the jet.

                I brought my plate with me and went to sit with everyone else on the built-in couch in front of the TV. They have everything on this jet don’t they? I didn’t exactly look around too much when we got on. I just found a window seat and sat down.

                After a lot of debate (and some food flung in Xavier’s face by Ashley when he said that the movie she wanted to watch was stupid) they all finally settled for some kind of sci-fi movie. I relaxed back against the arm of the couch and pulled the blanket around me tighter. My headache isn’t as bad as it was before.

                Glancing out one of the nearby windows, I winced and bit my lip when I saw the pounding rain and heard thunder rumbling in the distance.

                Somehow I doubt this storm is going to let up any time soon.

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