11 | fredo.

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After the movie, Justin and I got ready and then laid next to each other in my bed. No idea why but also tonight I did not want to sleep alone in the bed.
"Good night," Justin breathed beside me and pulled me closer to him.
"Night," I breathed softly, then closed my eyes. A few days ago, I had just hated Justin and now, now it was normal for me to have him by my side and we were only one day officially in our PR relationship. With the thoughts of Justin I finally fell asleep.
The next morning I was awakened by gentle kisses on my neck.
"Hm," I grumbled and turned to the other side.
"Babe get up we have to go," Justin muttered beside me.
"Where?" I asked, now opening my eyes tiredly.
"Los Angeles," Justin said, grinning slightly at me.
"Right," I murmured to myself and then stretched.
"Yes," Justin said, laughing slightly.
"Do I need any things?" I asked him.
"No," he replied, shaking his head.
"Well then," I murmured, standing up from the bed.
"I want to go in an hour," said Justin, as he stood up.
"But I still have to shower, makeup, getting dressed and smooth my hair," I said, looking reproachfully at him.
"You can skip two of them," Justin said, grinning slightly at me.
"What?" I asked, puzzled.
"Make-up and hair smooth. You're beautiful without all that stuff," Justin said, looking at me honestly.
"But," I began, but Justin interrupted me.
"Nothing, and now go take a shower," he said and disappeared from the door the next moment.
"Ugh," I muttered annoyed before I went to the bathroom, where I took off my clothes and put myself under the shower.
After about half an hour I was finished with everything. What was meant by everything, I wasn't wearing make up and my hair was curly. Sighing, I grabbed my bag and cell phone and then ran down into the living room.
"I'm done," I said as I saw Justin sitting on the couch. He put his phone away and turned to me.
"Wow," he said, looking at me, "you really listened to me."
"Yes Bieber," I said, grinning slightly at him.
"Then let's go, Fredo is waiting in the jet with breakfast," Justin informed me with a grin.
"Well, I will drive," I said, going into the hallway and grabbing the keys of my car.
"Woe," said Justin, and was standing behind me a short time later.
"Oh yes," I said with a grin," please close the door behind you." I gave Justin my front-door key and then ran outside to my car. Shortly after I had entered Justin also entered the passenger side.
"I will drive in Los Angeles," Justin grumbled to himself.
"As you wish Drew."
After half an hour we arrived at the airport. After we had everything behind us, we got into his private jet.
"Fredo," said Justin, slamming a dark-skinned one.
"Hey," he said, looking at Justin, grinning.
"Fredo, that's Scar, Scar that's Fredo," Justin introduced me to his friend.
"Hey," Fredo said to me, then pulled me into a hug.
"Hey," I said, then released him.
"So you're the new girlfriend from Drew," said Fredo, putting girlfriend in quotation marks.
"Exactly," I said, laughing slightly.
"Is he very tiring?" Fredo asked, as he settled into a seat.
"Go," I said, laughing, and sat next to him, "I think I have a good grip on him."
"Drew and well in the grip?" Asked Fredo laughing, "he is sometimes like a small child which absolutely wants to have his pacifier back." Laughing I saw Justin, who watched the whole thing with an offended expression.
I had to say, I liked Fredo from second to second more.

Annoyed, I had been watching Fredo and Scar for at least an hour.
"Drew don't look so angry," it came from Fredo, who had stopped laughing.
"Then stop talking about me as if I were not there," I growled annoyed.
"Jus, it's just fun," said Scar, getting up from her seat, then settled down beside me.
"Fine," I muttered, looking straight ahead.
"I'll go to sleep," said Fredo, then disappeared into the only bedroom of my jet. How could he leave me alone now? I realized that I couldn't act likte I was angry when we were alone.
"Jus," Scar muttered beside me, her breath on my skin.
"Hanson," I muttered, looking at her now.
"Do not be mad at me," she breathed against my lips.
"But I am," I murmured, trying to look into her eyes, but my gaze fell to her lips. Scarlett slipped into my lap and put her arms around my neck.
"What are you doing Hanson?" I asked, looking serious at her, "I thought you hated me."
"There can be no talk of hating, Drew," she muttered, turning red.
"Aw babe," I said, grinning at her.
"Do not imagine something Bieber! I just meant I didn't hate you anymore," Scar said quickly.
"And why do not you want me to be angry?" I asked.
"Because we have to spend six more months together, and we can form them more beautiful," Scar said, grinning at me cheekily.
"And how?" I asked, licking my lower lip. Grinning, Scar came closer to me and a few seconds later, her lips were on mine. Grinning, I replied her kiss, I drove with my hands to her butt and lightly massaged him. Meanwhile, I was more than happy that Scooter came to the idea with the PR relationship, otherwise I wouldn't know Scar like that.

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