15 | in love?

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"I'm not," Justin said, pouting.
"Yes Justin, you are," I said, grinning at him.
"No, I'm not," he snapped, crossing his arms in front of his body, looking like a small child. Well, he did not just look like one, in some situations he was also a real child.
"Just take it, Biebs," I said, laughing, standing up from the couch.
"Why should I see something that's wrong?" Justin asked me.
"Justin," I moaned annoyed and then ran into the small kitchen of my hotel room.
"What?" He shouted after me.
"If you hadn't fallen in love with her then you would have slept with all the girls," I cried while I filled a glass with water.
"Fredo I can't have fallen in love with her," it came louder from Justin. Sighing, I ran back into the living room and sat down on the couch.
"Why not? She is pretty, she is smart and she is funny, what do you want more?" I asked him.
"Nothing but she hates me or rather she hated me," Justin sighed, then ran through his hair.
"Justin," I sighed, then took a sip from my glass, "as you said, she does not hate you any more, and you're already in a relationship."
"We are in a PR relationship Fredo, which she would almost broke up today," Justin said, looking slightly pissed at me.
"And? You can simply continue your relationship," I said, shrugging my shoulder.
"As if that were so easy and besides, she doesn't feel the same for me anyway," Justin sighed, frustrated.
"Ha," I said, grinning proudly at him.
"What?" He asked, puzzled.
"You have admitted that you feel more for her," I replied, grinning broadly.
"Yeah great, maybe I'm really in love with her but it doesn't change the fact that she will never love me," Justin said, almost screaming at me.
"How do you know Justin? How do you know she doesn't feel the same for you as you do for her? Maybe you're just too stupid to admit it, or maybe she thinks you're not serious about her anyway, after all, you haven't shown her that you are."

"Fuck Fredo, of course I care about her but I had to get her somehow out of my head even if it did not really work out," I said frustrated.
"So you see, it was totally unnecessary Bieber," said Fredo, then did something on his cell phone.
"I know but I couldn't know that before," I sighed and drove through my hair.
"If you had thinked with your brain, you would have known," said Fredo and then held me his mobile phone, "look at the video." Confused, I took his cell phone and looked at the video, what Scar had posted a few minutes ago on Instagram. Sighing, I ran through my hair.
"She seems to have fun," I murmured as I watched the video for the fifth time where she was half dancing in the car.
"She hasn't seen her friends for a long time," said Fredo, then took his phone back to him.
"I know and I also know it was shit of me. I should have kept to the agreement, just as she did," I said, and ran through my hair.
"Exactly," said Fredo only, then nodded approvingly.
After four hours, when Fredo and I had played a game, Scarlett wrote me that she was home now. I said goodbye to Fredo and then went to her. When I arrived I parked my car on the driveway and then got out. I had to apologize in any case but how? Sighing, I ran to the door and then rang the bell. A short time later, she was already opened by Scar.
"Come in," she said, letting me in.
"Thank you," I murmured softly, then pulled out my shoes.
"What's going on?" She asked me, looking at me.
"I have to apologize to you," I said, scratching my neck.
"Do not apologize for things you do not mean," Scar said, then disappeared into the living room.
"Scar, but I mean it," I said, walking behind her.
"Why did you do it? Why did you sleep with other women?" She asked, looking angry. Somehow, her jealousy made me smile.
"Don't grin so stupid," she hissed at me.
"Why not?" I asked, walking toward her.
"Because there is nothing to grin," she replied angrily.
"You're jealous, really," I said amused. Actually there was nothing on which she could have been jealous. After all, I had kissed only two of them and also not longer than five minutes.
"No, I'm not," Scar said, looking angry.
"But you are," I said, standing right in front of her.
"No," she said, shaking her head decisively.
"Yes," I said, putting a hand on her cheek.
"Justin," she murmured, trying to push me away, but it didn't really worked.
"You don't have to be jealous of anything," I breathed, "I haven't slept with any of them and I've just kissed two of them." Even though the last part of the sentence might be a bit dumb, I wanted to tell her the truth. I didn't want to lie to her.
"How?" Scar asked, a bit confused, "why were they here?"
"Because I wanted you to be jealous and because," I said, but then I stopped. Should I really tell her now that I had feelings for her now that I had already started with the truth?

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