I'M WHAT ( chapter 2 )

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We  pulled out our wands and headed out of the kitchen towards the door. Once there Harry opens the door to the sight of a man with tanned skin, dark red almost brown hair, piercing green eyes, he looked familiar but I couldn't remember and a women who also had tanned skin but had black hair that was cut just below her shoulders and lay in perfect ringlets, along with dark blue eyes that would almost be considered black. They were looking utterly confused. Harry asks them if there looking for anything, the man looked at him and said that they were looking for their long lost daughter. My jaw along with Harry's hit the floor. We invited them in and we sat in the lounge for a while not knowing what to say. I finally broke the silence, " your my real parents, and if so how do you know for sure?". The woman pulled out what looked like a birth certificate and asked if i could spare a drop of blood. " what why" I asked quite curiously. "The parchment is magical and when the blood touches it if it is you that's our daughter it'll glow purple" the woman said. So I pricked my finger with a knife that I'd asked Creature to bring me, when the blood hit the paper it glowed a shade of dark purple confirming it was me. "what is my name?" "Sebrina Alisa Afrodite Hermione Zabini ". "what" it was Harry who spoke this time, he'd been sitting quite this whole time. "Her- I mean Sebrina, I cant believe you found your real family and its not those jackasses that raised you and treated you like shit." "I know Harry". Then Blayze Zambini walked in who is the image of his dad" Hi mom and dad I'm sorry I'm late they wouldn't let me, Potter Granger what are you doing here, I thought we were looking for my sister." Blayze said a little disgruntled. "Blayze be nice this is your sister" mum said gesturing towards me, " but I'm not sure what Harry Potters doing here." "What are you doing here Potter" Blayze said with a little bit of venom in his voice. "My sister over here has been living with me after her  muggle parents death." "what do you mean sister your not related" said Blayze. "by a blood bind. "what that's extremely dangerous, when did you do that" my supposed dad asked. "third year wasn't it Harry?" My family's mouths hit the floor and they all started saying how if that had gone wrong we could have died but I butted in saying " that was nothing, I conjured poly juice potion in second year, Harry defeated the basalisk in the Chamber of Secrets second year and could produce a full body patronus in third year along with having defeating Voldemort like four or five times before he turned 18." I finished and they were all staring in shock. 

By this point Harry is holding my hand to keep me from leaving because I was getting frustrated. "Sebrina would you like to come home with us?" I looked at Harry because I would miss him but he was signalling that he wants me to go. " Yes I would love to go, but Harry you better write to me and come and visit." "You know I will and you can come back here whenever you want but I you know I'll have Ginny over, but  I'll lock Ron out like always after your gone, so he'll not be able to harm you again." he said the last part so only I could here it but Blayze raised his eyebrow and I said later. "Sebrina would you like me to remove the glamor charm and then have Blayze help you pack your belongings and only them and leave your clothes because we'll get  you have a whole wardrobe at home." "um... yes I would". It felt like a bucket of water was dumped on me. I felt like I was gowning taller and I heard a collective rip of my clothing, my dad and Blayze turned away, ,Harry didn't really do anything and my mom handed me a cloak and said to put it on. I looked down, i was bursting out of my clothes and quickly put on the cloak, I ran to the closest mirror and saw a girl that looked like she should be a goddess. I went from 5'1 to 5'8, my skin tanned up a lot, I barley had any curves before but now I was filled out in all the right places with a nice hourglass shape, before my bust was barley a B now its at least a DD. My hair and eyes didn't make any sense, my parents had red and black hair I had blonde with pink, purple, green, red, teal and black streaks in my hair, my eyes were purple with rainbow in them unlike my parents who had blue and green but the more I thought about it I was suddenly becoming a mixture of my parents looks. With that I screamed out of surprise.  Within monuments Harry and my family were in my room wands drawn, they soon relized it was me just me and asked what happened so I thought about the way I had looked before and they all gasped when I was back. They got over the fact that I was a metamorphmagus when Blayze changed to the same appearance I had but a guy. When everyone calmed down we got my stuff packed and we were off to my new home.

Zabini Manor.

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