How (The first thoughts)

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Otabek and Yurio are having lunch together at a café in Tokyo with Victor and Yuri. While Victor and Yuri are eating pork cutlet bowls there is silence between Yurio and Otabek as they are being swallowed by their own thoughts. They stare at each other, not breaking to look away. Otabek smiles and Yurio blushes and smiles back.

Otabek thoughts.

How can someone be that perfect? How can their smile be so beautiful that it makes you want to cry? How can Yurio be that? How can a man like Yurio be as tough as nails? He's adorable when he's angry and he's angry all the time. He's to cute. How I wish he was mine. He's tough and strong and handsome and, and. Oh it's hopeless. It's not like he loves me.

Yurio thoughts.

How can he look at me like that? He's such a perfect person, so calm and humble. He's never angry or pissed off at anyone. I'm such an angry human being. I'm always able to yell at someone even if they didn't do anything. That's not normal. How can someone love someone that's like that? I have fallen in love with Otabek but he will never love me. Anyways it's hopeless.

How? - OtayuriWhere stories live. Discover now