They know (crap)

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Victor races home to meet with Yuuri.
He was meant to meet up with Otabek that afternoon but Yuri wanted to talk to him about Yurio. Something about anger management and being gay? So it was very important to Victor to find out what's going on.

"Yuri, my darling where are you?" Victor yelled as he entered their home. He heard Yuri in the other room. Victor opened the door silently and crept up behind Yuri.


Yuri jumped 3 metres in the air hitting his head on the roof, Victor just laughed until his sides were sore.

"Victor! I told you to stop that!!" Yuri pulled Victor off the floor and kissed him while doing so.

"Oh smooth." Victor smiled sweetly, "Did you here about Yurio?"

"Yes! Oh it's so cute!! He talked to me this afternoon about it. He's gay and he's in love with Otebek!!"

Victor sighed, "They grow up so fast!!"

Yuri pulled him in for another kiss.

"Come on lover boy we have a party to plan!" Victor exclaimed as he walked out of the room strutting his tight ass while doing so.


Imogen I'm sorry. : |


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