The Desperate, the Terrified and the Insane

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Mephiles rushed around the station, trying to gather his men while others were back at the hotel trying to find any clue as to who did this. Unfortunately that's all I know. Do to my new relationship with Sonic, my brother has locked me in his office to 'keep me from harm' as he put it. It doesn't matter how he phrases it, it all means the same thing. He doesn't want me to be there when they find Sonic, be he alive or-....otherwise....This all reminds me of before, when I was a cop as well. It sucks, bringing up memories like this, he's a lot like her. Young, full of energy, kind, slightly on the mothering side even if they're the younger. They're both beautiful as well. I guess beauty has a way of attracting trouble, and trouble always seems to bring along tragedy. I can only hope Mephiles find's Sonic before then.

The seconds seem to drag by as if they were hours, minutes like days, and hours like years. But of course a glance at the clock reminds me that it's only been four hours. I've found myself reading through several of the notes once more, the bullets and gun placed neatly in a row at the front of the desk. I lean back in the black leather office chair as the pit in my stomach grows with every word I read. Then I notice a new one that I had never read before. They must've taped it to my apartment before they realized my brother had relocated us. Hesitantly I pick it up from the large mound. This one was different from the others, it wasn't written on a sticky-note, printer or notebook paper. It was a flamingo color with hearts and glitter around its boarder. The handwriting wasn't magazine clippings or block letters, it was elegant cursive, almost calligraphy. Had there not been any blood spots on it it would be the kind of paper a little girl would use to write a love letter.

It's message sends chills down my spine as I realize they were never after Sonic at all. The purple ink held my attention long enough to make my stomach churn.

My favorite color is green, 

just like my lover is an emerald sheen.

It's him that I see,

Your favorite color is blue

blue as the sky and sea

blue as the things Maria used to see

blue as Sonic will no longer be.

Red is the color of blood

blood is warm and thick,

just like my lover's d*ck.

It will flow from Sonic's veins to fuel my desire

and without it his life shall expire.

What to do, what to do.

First his fingers then the toes,

followed by the hands feets and possibly the nose.

I'll take a knife to those precious little ears you adore

and then I'll slice and cut his stomach till he begs for more.

Just for you, so you don't miss the fun.

I'll tell you where we are, but you had better run.

His life will be fading fast

but it doesn't matter what you do

Sonic's life will end soon.

I turn over the note, an address written clear as can be. 281 Emerald Avenue. That house... I frown,  biting my lip hard enough to taste a slight amount of blood slip into my mouth. That's where I lost her... Growling I jump out of the chair and kick the door off it's hinges in order to get out of Mephiles' office. I know who's doing this... I rush around the station trying to find my brother, luckily I caught him just before he could get in his car to scope out a few of his places of interest. Grabbing him, I slam the car door shat before shoving him against it and forcing the note against his chest.

"It's that same god damn bitch!"

"Whoa, Shadow. What are you talking about?" He mutters, gently taking the note from my grasp so I don't smack it against him again.

"It's the same pink brat that tortured and murdered Maria! Look at the fuck'n note for Chao's sake! It's her handwriting! Her address! And in the beginning guess what dumb ass she's referring to!"

Mephiles blinks, staring at me for a few seconds before opening the note to read it himself. His facial expressions letting me know that he's feeling sick to his stomach now. He never was one for gore. "Scourge..."

"Yeah no shit! I don't give a fuck about your goddamn protocol, last time I followed that I lost my fiance!" I snarled, taking the keys from him and getting in the car.

"H-Hey! Shadow wait! You can't do that! You aren't a cop anymore remember!"

"Yeah, well you are, so get your sorry ass in or I'm leaving you behind!"

He flinched slightly as I spit my venom at him, my patience running thin and time running out. Without another word he does as I commanded and got in the car, not even bothering to argue with me over the fact that I was still the one behind the wheel. Or the fact that I made the tires squeal as I slammed the gas pedal to the floor. Even if he had I wouldn't have listened, I only had one thing on my mind. Take this god forsaken bitch down.

"I'm sorry."

I scoff.

"I mean it Shadow...I'm sorry about Maria..."

"Bullshit. You knew it was her and you didn't arrest her when you had the chance, now she's going to take another innocent life. She left Maria's eyes in a box on my porch for Chaos' sake!"

"Shadow you know we didn't have enough evidence to make an arrest."

"Yeah well after tonight, I might be the one you arrest."

"You can't be serious, just what do you plan on doing!"

"Don't ask questions you don't want an answer to."

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