" if not now, when?"

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(Joeys POV)

I rolled over and adjusted my position. The cold bed from where I hadn't laid before cuddled my leg. I felt something rub against my leg and I sat up quickly. "STORM!" I said with my crackly morning voice. It was just Storm hoping into bed with me like he did everyday. I flopped back down. My head sinking into the pillow. I tapped Storm on the back. His fur ran through my hand. The clock read 10 am. Why do I wake up so late? It was impossible for me to get out of bed. I was so drowsy and sleepy. I finally got my feet onto the floor. The wood like ice. I tiptoed to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My brown hair flopped over my eyes. I got ready quickly. Putting on a plane yellow shirt and jeans. I walked downstairs and opened the back door. Storm and Wolf ran out to the grass. I sat on the hammock watching the dogs wrestle. I loved the smell of the grass in the morning. It might be weird to you because well, I guess grass can't change but it felt, fresher. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my phone screen light up on the table. It was Shane. He was calling me. Shane and I haven't talked in a few weeks so it was weird for him to be calling me at this time.

"Hey look out front." Shane said with his baby  voice he usually uses when he's very excited.

"umm, okay?" I was very confused that he wanted me to go outside. Was he pranking me?

I hung up and walked out front leaving the dogs in the back. I opened the door and saw nothing. I turned out of the doorway and looked around the corner. Shane was standing on the curb. He was holding a bunch of balloons that said happy birthday with a gift wrapped in green wrapping paper. He was the only one that remembered my birthday. Now that I think about it, I forgot it was my birthday too. I looked down at my phone. It read May 16. I could feel a tear stream down my face and before I knew it I was hugging Shane. I couldn't believe that out of all my friends and family, it would be Shane who I hadn't talked to in forever, who remembered my birthday. It felt good to hug him. His cotton shirt rubbed against my neck as we embraced in a long hug.

"Happy birthday baby!" Shane said as he looked at me. I couldn't help but grin at the choice of words he used.

"Thanks. Baby!" I laughed at the thought of calling each other baby. It felt kinda, natural.

He handed me the balloons and present. I invited him inside but he insisted for me to go over to his house. I went inside to let the dogs in.

" I'll be back dogos!" I said to Storm and Wolf like I always did before I went somewhere.

I brought the little green box with me and hopped into Shane's little red car. I opened the window. The wind played with my hair as we drove down the freeway to Shane's house. The car began to rumble like a bunch of lighting was hitting our car. We pulled over on the side of the road. Shane got out and lifted the hood. I couldn't help but think of how masculine he looked in that moment.

"Welp, it looks like we have broken down." Shane said with a sign. He was really sad about not making it home.

Shane slammed the hood down and got back in the car. He slouched in his seat and called a tow truck.

"Looks like they won't be here for another 2 hours." Shane was pissed. He punched the seat and yelled out.

I was excited. It gave me more time to talk to Shane alone in a small space. Just the two of us, not having to worry about video making.

" well. I'm going to open my present!" I said with a big smile.

I looked at Shane then looked back at the box. I opened the present like a little kid. In the box was a teal bracelet. At first I thought it was just a bracelet he picked up from Walmart quickly on the way to my house, but I wasn't upset.

"Thanks Shane!" I said with a big smile. Shane reached over and turned the bracelet over.

The bracelet had a gold plate on it. It read " emo youtubers stick together." It was a inside joke from the first day we met. We both had emo hair and Shane made that comment. I felt a tear run down my cheek again as Shane helped me put the bracelet on, and at that moment I realized something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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