I spotted Andrew, Emily and Trinity sitting at another table and asked Cody "wanna go sit with my friends?" he replied "sure" then we started walking to the table they were at. Upon reaching the table Andrew asked "who's the hottie?" Cody blushed.
I replied "this is Cody, he's my new friend" Cody waved saying "I hope to get to know all of you well" They all introduced themselves. then I could have sworn he winked at me wait no was it... Andrew? Wait is he gay? I spoke up saying "we should all play truth or dare" I was going to find out. Andrew said "yes! let's all do that!" Trinity said "okay but nothing too extreme" Emily added "Cody should go first."
So, upon reaching an agreement, Cody asked me "truth or dare?" and I, being the daring person I am, said "dare!" Cody replied with "I dare you to kiss me." I blushed, he wants me to kiss him? Should I do it? I guess this means he isn't gay.
I looked at him and said "okay" and leaned in and kissed him. It was a simple kiss, nothing more than a peck on the cheek. Afterward he said "I like you, Audrey." Andrew and Emily made kissing noises while Trinity looked surprised. I ignored them and said "I like you too."
Andrew then said "alright, since Cody confessed" he took a deep breath "I like Emily." Emily stared wide eyed blushing then after a while she said "me too, I like Andrew." Trinity said "awww so cute!" After that day Andrew and Emily became a couple as well as me and Cody, that day was weird, but awesome, all at the same time.
It was a little awkward that day but we got over the awkwardness the next day. Cody asked me "would you like to see a movie with me tomorrow?" I said "yes!" then he embraced me, he was so warm. At that moment Gallixy came over saying "get a room love birds!" in a joking way.
She then introduced herself to Cody saying, "I'm Gallixy, Audrey's older sister." Cody said "nice to meet you Gallixy, I'm Cody." Gallixy smiled saying "I know, Audrey told me all about you" Cody blushed.

Complete Devotion
RomanceCody caressed my skin his deep blue eyes looking into my brown ones, "I love Yo-" he was cut off by his sister barging in his room. He pulled away from me "get out of my room! And knock next time!" he shouted at his sister. She was out almost as soo...