Animal Instinct

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((This one is a bit... well... serious. All you minors out there probably know what's going on, but if you don't, don't go tattling on me okay?))

Dementia loved going for walks.

It was one of the things that no one really stopped her from doing.
Black Hat would glare at her as she would excitedly prance out to the great unknown, openly hoping she would never return, Flug would look nervously, but quickly revert back to his testing, and 5.0.5 would wave her goodbye and sometimes even sneak a little hug when the boss wasn't looking.

Ah yes, the polluted air, the sound of cars zooming by followed by angry drivers (specifically yelling at her for playing "the floor's lava" on the car tops and freeway). It was all good and fun, much better than thier squad's usual outing, which involved keeping Demencia on a leash. Now she could run and jump and attack anything she found necessary.

After an epic chase between her and a few stray animals, Demencia decided that it's best to head back home. She gets up from being on all fours (her hands were getting a little sore) and struts down the road back to the lair. Due to the already set sun and the fact that no one would be insane enough to go out after her little adventure, the street is vacant and quiet, nothing but a few cars here and there are in sight.

That's when the little lizard clad girl raises an ear to the sound of a struggle; Muffled noises, one higher and distressed, and another, husky and menacing. She grins to herself. A robbery? Ooo, how scandalous! Trying to suppress her insane giggling, she slithers upon an alley's building walls, following the sounds to a....

Dementia's eyes widen; her grin drops to an unreadable expression.

It wasn't a robbery.

Well... not that kind of robbery anyway.

Now, all knew that Demencia was a bad guy. She knew it and was proud of it. It was the only way she got to work for someone as evil as Black Hat. She was rotten to the core, insane as a kid high on candy, and vicious as a hungry raptor.

So it was only animal instinct when she leaped into the scene of a very ugly crime.

It was only because she liked the taste of blood when she began beating that dirt bag over and over agian, even after it lay still, probably never to move again.

And it was only insanity when she blankly looked from the mess she made into the teary, horrified eyes of a would-be-victim; and ran all the way home before the words "thank you" left their mouth.

That was all there was.

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