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Hyemi POV

As soon as we finish packing, Yujin unnie tell us to not eat a lot and start dieting. I really can't do that cause food is part of my life and forever mine!

We start to eat salads and fruits only. Huhu... so sad😢 After eating, Yujin unnie tell us to meet her downstairs to discuss about our debut day along with the other staffs.
After a very long discussion for about 3 hours, I quickly go upstairs to my bedroom and get one with my precious bed. It's been a long time to sleep peacefully and rest here. I thought to myself. But, for about 3 minutes, the unnies say to me to clean myself before sleep. I am a little bit annoyed at first but they are right cause I smell like trash and it is really feel weird to sleep in this condition.

I go to the bathroom and clean myself thoroughly (Please don't imagine about this too much👀)

Eunkyo POV

It is a tiring day in 7 hours and I already look like a grandma that needs help and has to rest. I saw Hyemi goes to the bathroom quickly and she look like in a rush. Maybe she wants to rest and sleep peacefully just what I want to do. But then I heard someone calling me.

"Hey Eunkyo-ssi! Can you help me to bring these boxes upstairs? It is heavy and there is a lot here. You can call the others. " Luna unnie said with big boxes in her hands. I lend her a help and call the others. They fasten their pace and go to help bring those boxes.

Finally, we are done with carrying those things. I am really tired like hell now. I clean myself and go to sleep.


Hyemi POV

I sleep and dream lovely until someone disturb my beautiful sleep.
"EVERYONE!! WAKE UP!! GET READY BECAUSE IT IS FINALLY THE SONG OF YOUR DEBUT IS FINISH!! NOWW!" Yujin unnie said but more shouting downstairs we wake up and get ready.

I wear a white shirt with laces and a pair of long skinny jeans.

I go downstairs and saw Yujin unnie with the other unnies waiting

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I go downstairs and saw Yujin unnie with the other unnies waiting. I think I am the slowest here.😅

"Hyemi! Palli! We are waiting you like forever." Jieun unnie said. "Ya! We are only waiting in 2 minutes and you call that forever? Aish this kid.." Luna unnie correcting her.

We go outside and go in the car. I sit between Eunkyo and Hyerim. The unnies sit behind together. Yujin unnie is driving. "Fasten your seat belt and we will go somewhere." She said that make us curious. I wondered where we are going...

After 14 minutes to be exact, we have arrived and it is my first time to come here. There is a big building in front of us. We go inside and Yujin unnie told us to wait here.

"Where are we?" Hyerim said. "This is such a big building. Maybe this is the place where we work. Right?" Eunkyo said. "Yess maybe..." I replied. After a few minutes, Yujin unnie comeback. "As you know, this is the place where you practice, work and etc. This is the company building and you can go inside the practice room there." She said and told us to follow her and here we are in front of a room. There are 6 girls inside and they look familiar.

"Excuse us." We said. "Oh.. Hello! Are you the rookie girl group with 5 people that soon will debut?" The tall girl asked. "Yes we are." Luna unnie said since she is the leader. "If that the case, it is really nice meeting you all." The black short hair girl said. "It is really nice to meet you all too." We said in unison and bow. "We are Gfriend and what is your group's name?" So it is Gfriend!! OMG! How can I don't know the girl group that I really like and stan them! I can't even recognize them! Hyemi, you're an idiot!

"We haven't decide our group name yet." Jieun unnie said. "So do you even have any thoughts of your band's name?" The 2nd tallest one that I expect with her name Yuju unnie. Actually I have one in mind. "Yes.. I think all of us have one in mind." I said while looking at the unnies. They nod. "So, tell me the name!" Yerin unnie said. She is pretty tho.

We tell ours one by one depends on our age. Luna unnie is the first one. She looks nervous. "Ummm.. Mine iss... called... idk if this is a good one but I just tell you. It is 'Sweeties'." It is a cute name but I don't think that I can agree on that. Next up is Jieun unnie. "Mine is simple. It's called Pixies." That is a pretty name but no. "Mine is a little bit ridiculous but I just say it. It is......... BOOMY!" Eunkyo said that make us startled. She is the happy virus in our team. Next is Hyerim. She looks confident. "I think mine is not that bad. It's called The Love." That is pretty weird to me. The Love is not really that bad but it is not good. Hehe.. It's my turn!! I am nervous since I have to do this in front of my fav group. "It is Dream. Mine is called Dream." I said. Woww.. I really said that out loud!

"I think yours is the best so far." SinB said while pointing at me and the others nod. "Now it is decided! Your group is called............ dugun dugun dugun....... DREAM!" We are excited and happy because it is our debut time and the name is great. I am satisfied with my own choice😉

We practiced the dance and recorded the song and filming the music video. It is finished in 1 week and our debut day is waiting for us and I can't wait!



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