Party At The Cruise

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Austin's face contorted with anger as he found me sticking my tongue out at him.

Austin left as dad had instructed and I relaxed back in the lounge chair. The fight was probably a bit immature but I feel that by attacking Seth, he was attacking me. It just wasn't on, and he had obviously done it deliberately.

I had my eyes closed, but my ears were in no way obstructed. As I breathed in the fresh sea air, I overheard my mum and dad talking beside me.

"So do you think we should go?" My father muttered lowly. I frowned. What was he talking about?

"Why wouldn't we?" Mum questioned hautily.

"You know why."

Annoyed with the cryptic conversation, I opened my eyes and sat up in my seat so I could face them.

"What're you talking about?" I ask nosily.

They both turn to me, a weird gleam in their eyes that I can't decipher. "The cruise authorities are throwing a party tonight in the banquet hall, and we have been given VIP passes. We were just debating whether or not we should go."

My eyebrows rose at this and I raise my hands to quickly shut him down. "Woah, back up a minute, how'd you manage to get VIP  passes to such an event?" I wasn't exactly impartial to the fact that this was a very luxurious cruise, and therefore only the elite boarded this ship.

My dad scoffs, rolling his eyes a bit arrogantly. "Did you forget that I'm a well established businessmen? I practically own these people."

I purse my lips, ignoring his cocky statement. He was very proud of his achievements and who he was. I don't exactly hate that fact - I just don't appreciate his arrogance. But his ego is just a minor negativity in his personality. It pales in comparison to his good qualities.

My mum waves him off dismissively, turning the conversation. "Well anyway, I heard that your favourite pop singer would be attending this party Ashley. You know, what's his name. Seth or something?"

I felt my heart skip a beat at his name, and saw the same excitement I felt mirrored in my mother's face. It was so unreal. I just couldn't believe I was staying on the same cruise as my Seth, I was almost jumping up and down as my excitement grew. The opportunity I had waited for - for so long - to meet him.

It doesn't matter anyway. You'll just be another fan to him - nothing more, the thought came unbidden to my mind.

I felt my face drop, realising the truth. Although, meeting him would be better than nothing, right? Maybe not.....

"Well, that's settled. Be ready by eight tonight," dad said.

I gulped shakily. "Sorry dad," I replied slowly. "I'm actually not feeling too well."


I quickly scanned the screen of my phone, checking the time.

7:45 pm

Just 15 minutes left.

Just then the door cracks open and mum and dad barge into the room. My mom was wearing a beautiful orange dress and my dad was wearing a beige colored suit. They both were looking absolutely stunning, yet still conservative.

"Honey, are you sure you're alright?" Mom asked as she cuddled me, genuine worry on her face.

"Yeah mom. I'm just not feeling really well..." I lied. "I'm actually feeling a bit nauseous."

"Oh sweet heart, I know how much you wanted to meet Seth. But it's understandable if you're not feeling well. Health comes first," dad joined in the conversation.

"I wish you could of seen Austin," dad paused. "He said his favorite artist Dennis Black is here."

Mom laughed, "Yeah, he's practically jumping up and down in joy."

I pictured Austin, dressed in all black, a horrible amount of make up on his face, jumping up and down like a monkey. I laughed.

"I honestly don't get how people actually find that punk attractive," dad sighed. "Seth is a lot better, in my opinion. My old friend Matt, the bald one, said he found that Seth was really polite. Really Nice kid," he continued and my heart once again fell down to my feet.

What if I met him today? He'd probably shake hands with me, maybe hug me, because he was polite like that.  

But it would mean nothing more.

I knew that if I met him today, in reality, my dreams – those fragile but precious dreams full of hope – would shatter into pieces, making me realize how worthless I was.

I knew I was nothing. I didn't need to be reminded twice, I didn't need for it to be confirmed by the very man himself.

"We're going to be late!" I heard Austin complain on the other side of the door.

"Come on honey, let's go," my dad said.

"Yeah ok," mom cuddled me one more time before getting up to leave out the door with dad.

"Mom," I stopped her. "Can you please turn off the lights and close the door behind you?"

I could feel my parents shocked and worried gazes penetrating the side of my head, but they did what I asked.

A deep and frustrated sigh was released from my parted lips as the sound of the slamming door echoed in the empty room, where I was sitting on the bed – back to the wall – hugging my legs to my body. I rested my cheek on my knees as my eyelids suddenly became heavy, the world fading away as a picture flashed before my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Seth.....And you are?" His right hand was outstretched towards me. That sweet, familiar smile graced his lips. The smile I loved more than anything in this damned world.

I let myself drift into a deep slumber.


HEY!!  The second chapter of JAF. Okay, okay I know the story hasn't started to form.
But it will soon! I promise.

By the way do you like the character Ashley? Comment and let me know!


Ps :This is the edited one.

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