vik - stars

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"You're the brightest star in my eyes."


Vik was taking me out on a date tonight, I am extremely excited because we haven't been on a date in forever, he told me to dress casually but yet I even know where we will go, so I put on a pair of black ripped jeans a white crop top, with a pair of my favourite yezzys, and applied natural makeup.

I was ready just in time before Vik came and knock on my door asking if I was ready, I said yes,
and we made our way out the door to our favourite spot,
It was a little lake surrounded by trees but if you look up the stars shine right through and it is honestly amazing.
Vik and I always come here pretty much every date we have, it's so nice and private no one can judge you and we can talk about absolutely everything here I love it.

Vik and I made it to our destination it looked the same just as I remembered,
"Look at the stars Y/N they so bright and beautiful," Vik says as he holds my hand in 'aw'.
"Well, Vik you're the brightest star in my eyes," I say with a warm smile looking up at him.
He smiles cheekily at me,
"I love you" he says with a chuckle laughing at my pick up line.
"I love you too" I giggle.


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