simon - part 2 - the disstrack

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Today I am going over to the sidemen house to help out Simon with some lyrics for his diss track,

I make my way to the front door full of nerves. I knock gently on the sidemen house door, I can hear the faint sound of footsteps making there way towards the double doors. The door opens and stood in front looks to be a older guy with a thick black beard, I'm pretty sure that is Josh.

"Hey y/n, Simon told us you were coming to help him with his diss track today, come in" he says with a soft smile, which I return and step inside, I hear stomping from up above my head, and Simon appears, panting a bit from making his way down the stairs in a hurry.

"Hey y/n, you ready to get started!" Simon says excitedly.

•3 hrs later•

We are lying down on His bed, laughing, giggling and proud that we have completed the lyrics for the diss track.
I told him every thing I knew about Deji including how he cheated on me, and lied to his fans saying it was a mutual agreement. He manage to put everything I said into this diss track, and honestly I was excited to finally give Degi what he deserved. Hanging out with Simon has been surprisingly fun, better than I expected. I thought it might've been awkward because I didn't really know him, but after talking for hours it feels like I have known him for years. "Hey I should probably get going it's getting late" I say slightly disappointed but I don't want to intrude. "Are you sure we can stay and have some pizza with the others if you would like?" He says with a slight smile. "It's alright! I'll be back tomorrow any way for the music video." I say excitedly.


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