Chapter 1

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She walks into the room, soundlessly. She is wearing heels, and yet I don't hear the click-clacking of its pointy sole.

I can't hear because I'm terrified.

In one hand, is a small alcohol pad, and in the other, the biggest needle I have ever seen. I close my eyes, it doesn't make me feel better, so I open them.
She's right in front of me, ready to swab me with the small pad.

She's swiped the alcohol pad across my forehead. I was shivering now. She whispers something in my ear, I could feel her warm breath against my ear, but that was all I could do right now, feel.

It's not like it matters though. I'm worthless, I knew it. I would whisper it to myself at night, and I would cry about it during the day. Until one day, I pushed too hard.

I attempted to kill myself.

My plan was simple. Find a window, find a blunt object, smash said burnt object against the window; where I will then eat as much glass as I can. But I was caught. I attempted this suicide, by going someplace where there were plenty of glass objects, in case my window idea failed. I chose the worst spot, because, when you think about it, there is only one place where there is plenty of glass.

Hospitals. If I was my old self, I would cut that word into my back, and then curse myself for being a stupid piece of crap. That's how it usually went, I have plenty of scars like that. That's how most people do it, but they draw pictures on their arms and legs. Tattoos have gotten too expensive for anyone. It just became the alternative.

I just realize I've been ranting in my own head. I look back at her, though it's hard. There is something about her eyes. They're bad.

That's all I truly think about them though, because she just pulled the large needle out, and was aiming straight for my forehead. I felt myself jitter and shake while she attempted to stick my brain.

"STOP DOING THAT!!!!" I could hear, sadly. I didn't dare jump from her sudden outburst, she might kill me. In each of our positions, she's clearly on the higher end. I felt something wet roll down my cheek. I suddenly gasp for air. I was crying. For once in my life, I didn't want to die. I thought the worst was over. I couldn't help it. My
life was about to end, and there so many things I never got to do. I sit and think about all the things I've never tried. Things like cotton candy, television, school, and many other silly little recreations.

She injected the syringe into my head, and pushed on the end, I stopped crying, my heart began to slow down, I could feel different parts of my brain suddenly clicking off. The first to go was my fear. Then went my emotions. Next was my memories. All those times spent with Mommy and Daddy, gone. What were their names? I can't remember. The last thing I remember was my age, I don't know why, but kept repeating in my head.

7, 7, 7, 7, 7...

Then my heart stopped beating. I was still alive though, I tried to suck in air, but my lungs wouldn't function.

Was I really going to die?

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