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Makayla awoke to find herself in Joseph's embrace. She quickly moved out of his hold and left the bed. She headed to the bathroom and quickly finished off her needs, washed her face and used the available toothbrush before she walked out.

Joseph was awake, he did not even acknowledge her, just got up, and headed to the bathroom. She left the room going to the kitchen to make herself a coffee.

No idea what on earth what Joseph wanted with her, or why she was here. She had honestly believed that he had her only to return her to her father. But what the fuck? He was no longer with her father? Boy she did not see that coming. Not at all.

He had been with her family for like forever. What the hell went on in the two years she had been gone? Makayla was so very afraid for her life at this point. She recalled how dark and dangerous Joseph was, lethal, he was one man who you did not rub the wrong way.

Not that he ever threatened her or her family. If anything, he was sort of their protector. She found him attractive, always had, but her sister had first dibs and warned her to stay right away from him.

Gida was always a selfish bitch, she had to have it all. Makayla learnt to just get over it and keep away. If Gida wanted, Gida got, so Makayla just occupied herself with things that did not interest Gida. It was hard to do considering that Gida wanted everything that Makayla had.

Makayla recalled being hurt when Gida so casually informed her that she had slept with Joseph. "Oh my god... And that is what fucking a man is all about... Up until now... I always assumed that the boys I have been with were good... Until you have fucked a man like Joseph... You don't know the meaning of fucking."

"You slept with him?" She was really taken aback. It just upset her and Makayla had no idea why it affected her so much. She had always assumed that he was sort of attracted to her also... It was like her confidence just got shot down hard.

"I told you I would. It took a little persuading... Now to get his bratty kid out of the way." Gida was so into herself that an eleven year old girl was her threat...

Makayla returned to the present when Joseph walked into the kitchen. He poured himself some juice and sat down on the stool. Makayla felt weirded out suddenly. "How long are you going to keep me here?" She braved up and asked.

Joseph's grey eyes bore into hers. He did not look very happy with her question. "I told you not to be asking questions..." Yes he sure told her, her throat was still sore. She could not believe how close he came to killing her.

"Okay, so what exactly can I talk about? I mean I am kind of limited on things to say to you..."

"So shut up then."

"I need clothes." She shook her head at his way of thinking.

"Yes, I told you last night that I will get you some change of clothing."

"Okay, well you understand that it's freezing here... Where is here anyway?" She prayed to trap him into answering.

"Very far away from civilization." Was his stupid reply. Asshole was one step ahead.

"Great... Am I to die up here then?" She could not help it, her fear was real. Maybe if they discussed what the situation was, she would not be so afraid.

"Not for a while..." Oh great... Yep, she just made it worse for herself. He was so going to kill her. Makayla nodded her head.

"Is there a reason you are going to end my life?" She asked quietly. She was trying to hold back a sob. The way his eyes darkened was a warning for her to maybe stop asking.

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