chapter 15 : shattered

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Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah's apostle said ," treat women nicely,for women is created from a rib and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion ,so ,if you try to straighten it ,it will break ,but if you leave it as it is ,It will remain crooked . So treat women nicely".


"Haya!!" Anat exclaimed in shocK shock and Haya came forward towards Anat.

"I thought you would have changed with time but I should have known a bitch can never change " Haya said and this sharp sentence was enough for Anat's tears to make there way out .

"H...Haya listen ..........listen to me once " Anat said stammering .

"I don't wanna listen anything Anat. You stole Hussain from me ,wasn't that enough . I m sure you stole this guy from some other girl . What else could be expected from a bitch like you " Haya said as he pushed Anat.

Anat was about to fall when Ayadh caught her .

"Just shut up ,don't you dare tell a word against my wife ,I m hearing you from past 2 minutes just because your a girl ,if not you can't imagine what I would have done to you " Ayadh said with anger and hurt clearly seen on his face .

"Stay out of it, you know nothing about her , she is a cheap women " Haya told and Ayadh just threw the glass beside him on the floor fuming with anger .

"Not a word more, I swear I'll kill you even without bothering about your gender . How dare you, to tell such things about Anat. What do you even know about her ?" Ayadh asked .

"I know everything about her I knew her for 2 years " Haya was still speaking when Ayadh cut her off .

"But unfortunately you still know nothing about her . She was your best friend at a point and still you dint try even once to ask her about her point of view . You never tried to sort out things with her . You just kept blaming her for things which she might have not even done and you still are doing it " Ayadh told while he was holding Anat in his embrace . Anat just kept looking at Ayadh the way he was supporting her . The way he spoke from her behalf even without knowing the whole story .

"And before I leave , Anat had all rights reserved on me . She never stole me from any one . I was always hers and I'll always remain hers and this my contact number if by chance you realise your mistake and wanna apologize to my wife" Ayadh said as he placed his contact number on the table and guided Anat out of the restaurant.

Ayadh opened the car door for Anat and she sat in, the whole way back home ,Anat was silently weeping and Ayadh let her weep cause he knew she was not in situation of being consoled . After reaching home Anat Sat on sofa and Ayadh told her that he 'll go in and get some water for her .

"Ayadh stay, don't go anywhere please " Anat said holding his hand and Ayadh obediently sat beside her .

"Ayadh how where you so sure that ,I wasn't wrong?" Anat asked.

"I ......... I just knew Anat " Ayadh said coldly.

"You know that day when Imran proposed me ,I told him that my answer would be given by Arsalaan Bhai and dad cause if it's yes from them, then it's a yes from me and if it's a no from them, then it's a no for me as well and after that " .

*Flash back*

"Anat in that case I'll make sure that ,they say yes " Imran said as he hold Anat' s hand in his . Anat looked down feeling shy but suddenly her eyes fell on Haya, who started running from the place after seeing Imran and Anat together .

"Haya!!!" Anat yelled and tried to run behind her but Imran caught her wrist telling " let her go " .

"What are you telling Imran? She is my friend ,may be she is upset cause I dint tell her about you ,let me go " Anat told while she snatched her hand from his grip and ran behind Haya.

"Haya listen to me please " Anat said as she hold Haya' s arm and turned her to face Anat.

" What do you want me to listen ,you stole Hussain from me . Your such a cheat Anat " she yelled as she cried.

"Haya what are you talking about ? Where did Hussain come from ?" Anat asked .

"Don't behave so innocent Anat, the guy who was promising you to marry you , he is Hussain . You knew I had only you and Hussain in my life to be called as loved once but you were never my friend cause you stabbed my back and Hussain, I m sure you are the one who manipulated him" Haya said in a single breath.

"Haya, he is not Hussain, I dint do anything, please trust me " Anat said and she was all broken by now . She dint even know what her fault was .

" I m not a fool to trust a bitch like you again, your just a betraying bitch ,just get lost ,don't you ever dare to show me your face again" Haya said and left the place and when Anat turned around she saw the whole college looking at her and talking rubbish about her character .

She was shattered would be an understatement at that situation.

She left the place in embarrassment but as she was going out . Imran came to her and Anat asked him " What is your name?" .

"Anat , I m sorry ,I love you not Haya and Haya calls me Hussain " Imran said. Anat dint understand anything but she understood one thing that she had been cheated.

"Go away from me ,I don't even wanna see you " Anat told and try to go away from him but he hold her and pushed her near the tree .

*End of flashback*

"He pushed me near tree and he abused me physically, he .......he tried to rape me Ayadh. He tried to harass me " Anat said and Ayadh hugged her tighter by now Ayadh was feeling more hurt then Anat.

"He cheated both me and Haya but Haya is not ready to listen to me ,even for once , she still thinks I betrayed her . It wasn't my fault Ayadh. It wasn't my fault " Anat said as she dug her face on Ayadh's chest .

Ayadh was fuming with anger by now . If Imran/ Hussain what ever his name is ,if he was here, Ayadh would have killed him by now for abusing Anat, for hurting her to this extent .

"Those nightmares ,they are related to Imran and his physical abuse on you right ?" Ayadh asked to which Anat nodded as yes.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that Ayadh felt exactly the same as Anat felt or may be Ayadh felt a little more hurt than Anat and why wouldn't he after all , they were soulmates and better halves of each other .


So my lovely readers here we are . I revealed Anat's secret but this is not the end ,there is a lot more to come .

Well I thought I wouldn't post any questions today but how will you stay connected to story of I don't ask questions .So I have to. Sorry.

Don't forget there are Ayadh's secrets as well which are yet to be revealed.

There are still more questions about Anat. Will Haya get to know the truth ?

Will Anat meet Imran again?

What will Ayadh do when he meets Imran?

For now you can forget all this and concentrate on the precious month which is coming up .

Please pray as much as possible. Dont waste on your time on social networking sites . Keep yourself calm and concentrate on your creator . Please do remember me in your precious prayers and may every girl get a righteous and a pious better half. Aameen.

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