Chapter 4- Dammit Izzy

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Alec's POV

"So... How was your date" Isabelle wiggles her eyebrows at me before I even get all the way in the door.

I blush a deep red and she knows before I even say it.

"DID YOU GUYS KISS?!?" She yells.

I blush even deeper and she squeals.


"And second... And third..." I say shyly.

She squeals again. A deafening high pitched noise you should only hear at the gates of hell.

"Izzy be quiet." I warn her.

"So... Let's talk about this picture." She holds up her phone and I see a picture of me sleeping against Magnus's chest.


"Hey... Before you get mad at Magnus, I made him. I called your phone and he answered and I yelled at him until he sent me a picture of you safe and sound. I think he's scared of me... Not gonna lie I'm glad. Now he won't hurt you." She admits proudly.

"Isabelle... You made him take a picture of me sleeping because you don't trust him??" She nods. "You're ridiculous."

"But you love me anyways. As I love you big brother." She grins.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at her and walk to my room.

I see a several text messages from Magnus.

Magnus- I miss your blue eyes.

We should meet up at the
meadow tomorrow after you
finish work.

By the way, you're hot when
you sleep.

So peaceful.

It's adorable.

You should come meet
Chairman Meow sometime.

I think you'd love him.

And I hope he likes you,
cause I sure do and it'd be
a shame if he didn't.

I laugh a little and blush, then text him back.

Alec- So am I coming to your house
tomorrow or to the meadow?

Magnus- Maybe my house... Come
over around supper and we'll
watch a couple movies.

Alec- Sounds good, I'll text you when
I'm on my way.

I put my phone on my desk and grab my notebook.

It's a secret hobby of mine, writing. But I'll never share my stories.

They aren't great stories, but they aren't horrible... Maybe some day I can be a writer.

Maybe some day ill be good enough to feel comfortable letting other people read them.

"What was Izzy screaming about?" Jace asks, standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Ummmmmm-" I start.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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