Chapter 3

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When Maeryn entered the throne room her mother was sitting on her throne, a small table with papers spread on it in front of it. She leaned over it signing the different papers, a strand of brunette hair falling in her face. Finally she got annoyed with it and pushed it behind her ear, looking up in the process and noticing Maeryn.

"What is it child?" she said not bothering to call her by name like usual. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Yes mother, but I need to talk to you."

"Well, it's going to have to wait."

"Can't you just-" she stopped as her mother glared at her. "Yes, mother," she said dejectedly.

As she stood there waiting, see looked around the all too familiar room. It was adorned with purple drapes and carpets, each accented with gold details. The throne itself had dark purple upholstery with gold surrounding the head. The arms and legs were made completely of gold.

She waited what felt like an hour as her mother signed the documents, every now and then talking to her advisor about one of them. His name was Sir Hass. He was a small man, only about five foot four. He was in his mid-thirties and somewhat appealing features, with a strong jaw, black hair, and a well-trimmed beard.

When her mother finally finished, Sir Hass gathered all the papers, gave a short bow and left the room. The queen snapped her fingers and two servants who had been standing at the far ends of the room came and took the table away.

Her mother sat up straight before fixing her gaze on Maeryn. "Now, what is it you want my child?"

"I have a favor to ask."

Her mother arched an eyebrow. "Very well, what is it?"

"I would like you to give Marianne the night off."

"And she is..."

"My lady in waiting. She's been my lady in waiting since I was fifteen."

"Oh, well in that case, no."

"Mother please!"

"I said no Maeryn! She is your lady in waiting and as such she is responsible for watching over you, including at the ball."

"But she barely ever gets any time to herself. And she works so tirelessly to make new safe and happy."

"Are you saying that having time to herself is more important than your well-being? If you really feel that way, perhaps you have grown too close to her. Perhaps it's time for us to find you a new lady in waiting."

"No! I mean, that won't be necessary mother. Really it won't."

"Good. Now I don't expect to hear any more of this nonsense from you."

"Yes mother," Maeryn said, shoulders sagging. She turned to leave when she had an idea. Although she didn't like the idea, she decided it was her only option if she wanted to get Marianne to the ball. She whirled back around. "Mother?"

"What is it now dear?" she asked annoyed.

"If you will give Marianne the night off, I will go through with... it."

The queen sat up straighter, if that was even possible.

"Really? You'll go through with the Suitors Ball?"

The Suitors Ball was a ball in which the crown princess, this time Maeryn, would meet eligible bachelors from all around. She would then have to narrow it down to five of them to court her until she was able to choose one for a husband.

Maeryn sighed. "Yes mother. But only if you give Marianne the night off."

The queen eyed her for a moment as if trying to judge her sincerity.

"Very well. She can have the night off, but just tonight."

"Thank you mother. You won't regret it." She turned to leave.

"Just don't forget your end of the deal."

"Don't worry, I won't," she said to her before muttering, "I could never forget the agreement to end my freedom."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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