Chapter 1

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~Lydia's POV~

"Babe come on you never want to anything fun, you pay more attention to your homework and other shit than you do to me"  Rafael complained while we were facetiming.

Meet my boyfriend Rafael, captain of the lacrosse team, football team ect . and junior just like me.  Yes what he is saying is true but it's not quite true. See I'm a very busy girl, between babysitting , working part-time at Vitanova's pizzeria and school, I barely have time for myself but when I do, I try and spend my time with him 'cause I really do love him.

"I'm sorry, you how I am when I start to do something, but of it makes you feel any better i will take a break from my homework. Now what do you want to talk about?" I asked

"Finally, my prayers have been answered"  He joked while I laughed "But seriously Justin is having a party this Saturday, wanna go? He pleaded

"Babe you know how I am with parties, I may socialize with people but I love to do my own thing and just chill by myself"

That was something people didn't get about me. I love to socialize in school and other places but when it comes to parties we just don't mix. It's the same scene everytime people getting drunk or smoking and people making out or close to the point of having sex like their fucking life depended on it. Also the girls degrate themselves but wearing little to nothing and looking like a fucking clown with all that make up on, and it's always the same fucking music. As you can already tell parties get on my last nerves especially school parties. If I was being honest I wish I could be like a normal teenager who loves to party but when your like me who is either working or caring about school you barely have time to do shit like that. I just want my mom to be proud of me even though I know she is sometimes I fell I need to be the perfect daughter and not be a disappointment like my father.

"Okay I'll make you a deal if you come with me to this party I promise that we can skip the next one and chill at your house and I'll even buy you food" He begged with his puppy for eyes and his signature pout that I couldn't resist.

"Do you promise that it's just gonna be me and you and you will buy the food" I said with a pointed look

"I definitely promise baby girl I would never let you down, so does that mean that you will go?"  Ha asked

" I will but I'm not gonna drink or smoke"  I told him even though he probably already knew that 'cause I hate it so much

" You got it babe, but hey I have to go my mom just got home and I have to help her with some stuff. I love you"

" Okay tell her i sad hi and I love you to babe".

I hung up with a smile on my face, I really was happy to be with him. Not to long after I finished my homework with music playing in the background. When my homework was done it was almost 8 o'clock and I was getting hungry. I got up out of my bed I tied up my copper blonde hair and went to the kitchen. On my way there I started to look at the picture hanging on the wall it was a while bunch of pictures of me and my mom when we went on vacation and a lot of pictures of me when I was younger. Some pictures were family portraits with me my mom and dad but I don't really like looking at those because they remind me of happy times that didn't mean anything to him. The last picture was of me and my best friend Jessica.

Jessica she is my best friend/ sister. We meet when we were about 7 years old. We both went to the same elementary school and had the same teacher. We ended up being paired for a project and we just instantly clicked. I and honestly glad I meet her because she is the one person i can count on. Also she has been through everything with me. In the picture is when we went to the Bahamas during spring break and was honestly one of the best days ever. As I near the kitchen I smell my mom's wonderful cooking.

My mom is a lawyer and is barely home but when she is she cooks the most amazing food in the world. In my opinion she chose the wrong career.  She threw herself more into work after the divorce, but I wouldn't blame her i kinda did the same thing with school and work that I'm barely home.

I enter the kitchen but not fully because I catch my mom singing and dancing to Ganas Locas by Prince Royce and Farruko. It was actually a funny sight  to see. I say there until she notices that I'm there which isn't until the song is over. When she finally saw me standing there she grabbed her chest and said

"¿Estás tratando de darme un ataque al corazón?"  This made me laugh becasue she got so scared that she started speaking Spanish, and she only does this when gets scared and sometimes when she is mad.

"No mamà, it's just funny that you were dancing to that song, but how was work?" I asked

"It was good I'm glad I got out early because I missed you"

"I missed you to mamí" I said as i gave her a hug. I really do miss spending time with my mom but I understand with her schedule and mine so I don't complain.

"Is dinner almost ready, because I'm really hungry" 

"Yea do you want me to serve you?"  I nod my head. She serves us both a plate of rice with lasagna and some salad. We sit at the table and talk about each others day and she tells me how she might be getting a promotion and I tell her about how I'm going to Justin's party this Saturday.

When we finish eating dinner I offer to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen so that way my mom can take a breather. When she goes to her room, I go on YouTube and start playing William Singe's cover of Lets get married by Jagged Edge. (Link above). When he starts to sing I began to was all the dishes. By the middle of the song i start to sweep up the kitchen and I'm singing at the top of my lungs

"Said I done it all
But frankly, girl, I'm tired of this emptiness
I wanna come home to you and only you
'Cause making love to just anyone ain't happening
I just gotta be with you
Do you think about us finishing something we started so long ago?
I wanna give you my all
Do you think about maybe us having some babies?
Come on won't you be my lady forever, yeah"

I looked like a crazy person but that didn't matter to me because I was in the zone and nobody could ruin it for me. By the time the song was over I had finished the kitchen and went to my room. I checked to see if I had any messages and I did it was from Jessica. She was telling me about Justin's party and I told her that I was going because Rafeal wanted me to go. We texted for a little while and when I looked at the time it was about 11:00 and I knew I had to take a shower and get ready for bed so I told Jessica I would talk to her in the morning. I got my stuff to take a shower which was a pair of shorts and a big comfy T-Shirt. I got my underwear and my body wash that smelt like coconuts than went to take a shower. When I came out i threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and got in my bed. I read a couple of chapters of The maze runner and when I finished I put my book on my nightstand turned off my light and went to sleep.


Authors note : So this is it for my first chapter I hope you guys really like it and please vote on it and comment if you have any opinions on the book becasue that would be so helpful.

Like I said before this about the characters, this is how I imagine them but if you imagine them a different way that totally up to you and that's fine. Oh and I'm not gonna be doing author notes all the time because they are boring. But yeah that about it. See you all next time I update. 😊❤♥

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