Chapter 4 :- Secrets

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Ekta heads to the police station. Detective scramble to answer ringing phones. "Anonymous tips about Dr. Shah?" Ekta asks. "Yep. You'd be amazed how many creeps are calling here!" Arjun replies. "So where do we come in? Interviewing his known associates? Examining data from the warehouse?" " Ekta asks with sarcasm. "Actually.." Arjun jerks his head towards his office, Ekta follows him inside. His desk is covered with papers and photographs. "What's all this?" Ekta asks. "It's all the case information on the Maskmaker. We're going to review the evidence and figure out who the real killer is," replies Arjun with a smile. "But our orders are to concentrate on finding Dr. Shah" Ekta says. "I know they were. But I don't think he's the Maskmaker, and you don't think he' the Maskmaker. And every minute we spend chasing Dr. Shah is a minute the killer is still out there. "You're suggesting we go against our orders, against my uncle?" Ekta asks with a bit of anger. "Yeah. I am, is there a problem Agent Ekta?" Arjun asks. "No! I'm not going to let another girl die and if that means violating orders, so be it. Lets do it " Ekta replies laughing. Arjun settles down at his desk and slides some papers to Ekta. "Where do you want to start? Arjun asks. "Well, psychological triggers play an important part in who killers target. All of these victims must have something in common." Ekta replies. "I'm not seeing it. Two of them were prostitutes, the other two were college girls." Arjun says with a confused look. "Okay. So maybe the connection isn't in their occupation. Maybe its physical." Ekta replies. "They all were Hindu's...All petite...our first victim was 5'11," with coffee-colored hair and green eyes. The second victim was 5'8", with chocolate-colored hair and brown eyes...the third victim was 5'2", with brunette hair and black eyes. And our last victim was 5'6", with chestnut hair and blue eyes. what do you think is similar" Arjun says. "Son of a.. Now that you mention it, yeah! Coffee, Chocolate, Brunette and chestnut.. Those are all shades of Brown. It's not a lot to go on, but I do think we've identified the killer's type... Brown haired " Ekta realizes. "So his trigger is physical. He stalks clubs and alleys, looking was women with brown hair.." Arjun says. "Except for the last victim, Bipasha. She was killed on impulse.." Ekta says. "Exactly. We know the murder wasn't planned because the Maskmaker Didn't have time complete his full ritual." Arjun replies. "See that's what I don't get. How the hell could he run into her 'by chance'? The kids were partying on an isolated stretch of the beach, and none of them noticed any strangers." Ekta says with confusion.  "Which means our killer must have seen the party. It's the only way." Arjun replies. "So if the Maskmaker had known about the party, he would've been prepared to kill Bipasha and my profile is accurate, the Maskmaker is too old to attend a college party of teenagers himself, " Continues Ekta. "Okay, so that only leaves seeing it, But from where?" Arjun asks. Ekta points to a number of bungalows from where the beach could be seen clearly in the pictures. "What about here? These bungalows would give an observer a clear view of the party." Ekta continues. "We've got a lead. Lets roll" Arjun says.
A little while later, Ekta and Arjun stroll through the upscale neighborhood of the bungalows. "So we figure our killer has to live in one of the houses along the Beach. So it narrows down to those 15 houses over there" Arjun says. "Only we don't have a warrant, we are not supposed to be investigating this. So where do we begin?" Ekta replies. Arjun looks around and sees a realtor a bungalow away adjusting a 'For Sale' sign. "Follow my lead" Arjun says grabbing Ekta's hand and pulling her over to the realtor "Excuse me? Sir? Might I have a moment of your time? I'm Jagdish Tyagi and this is my wife Amrita We're looking for a house in this neighborhood." says Arjun to the realtor. "How wonderful ! Are you two new to the area?" the realtor asks. "Yes, we are! The energy conglomerate I work for just opened a new plant here. Amrita and I are looking for a safe, nice neighborhood to start our family in." says Arjun lying to the realtor. "Oh! That's just wonderful I love seeing happy new couples! How did you meet?!" he asks. "It was at a cocktail fundraiser for one of the nonprofits I support.. Jagdish was so charming." Ekta replies smiling while Arjun wraps his arm around her shoulders "Oh, you flatter me, sweetie. I just look sharp in a tux." says Arjun. "Tee her! Aren't you two a delight? Would you like me to give you a tour of any houses?" the realtor says pleased looking at them. "Actually we were hoping you could help us answer some questions about the neighborhood. Particularly with regards to safety. I'm interested in the residents, particularly on that bluff over there. Is there anyone unusual we should know about?" Arjun asks. "Um...That's.. Well... May I ask why you're so concerned about this?" The realtor asks a bit worried and suspicious. "We're concerned for our baby!" says Ekta. "Oh! How delightful! When are you expecting?" The realtor asks with a satisfied happy look. Arjun leans over and lovingly places his hand on Ekta's stomach. "Seven months until we have our very own bundle of joy! We need to be secure about our child, you know what we're talking about, Sir. Sex offenders. Deviants" says Arjun. "What? I...NO! We don't have anyone like that in our neighborhood! The worst we have is that eccentric doctor in 340."the realtor replies. "Eccentric doctor?" asks Ekta. "Well, sure, but all he does is keep odd hours, always coming and going in that funny lab coat of his.." The realtor replies. "Thank you, Sir for your time!" Arjun says wrapping his arm around Ekta's and walks her to the side. "That was amazing! That touch about the baby? Brilliant!" He says looking impressed at Ekta. "Yeah. yeah. Next time. I'm the powerful business woman, and you're the doting, stay-at-home husband!." Ekta says laughing at Arjun as they step over to the bungalow "Lights are off and no car in the parking. Guessing no one's home." says Arjun. "So we've got a house with a suspicious tent. It's not like we have probable cause to go in. You might like to bend the rules, but I'm not participating in an illegal search." Replies Ekta. "Actually, I was thinking we take a look around. You know, legally." says Arjun. Ekta walks over to the back on the bungalow to the trashcans and open the lids "Some trash.. Old newspapers... A dress shirt.... And a can of plaster from 'Italia Imports and Exports' !. Arjun, Get over here!" she says. Arjun looks over her shoulder "We just got probable cause" says Arjun. He kicks open the door of the house, and Ekta rushes in, drawing her gun. "FREEZE!" screams Ekta. But the house is empty. There isn't a single piece of furniture anywhere in their sight. A tense, palpable silence hangs over the room. Arjun and Ekta walk through the house, carefully examining it. "Dust all over the window... A spider web in the corner.. There's no sign that anyone has even been in this room for months. At the other end of the room, a window shade flutters. Ekta walks over and looks at the view from the window. The perfect view to the beach. She walks across the room and into the bathroom. "Nothing, No toilet paper.. No mildew in the shower.. Nothing in the medicine cabinet.." She says. Arjun walks over and stands in the doorway behind her "Nothing upstairs . Totally clear," he says . Ekta glances at Arjun through the mirror and sees a dark shape moving behind him. She doesn't say anything and stays calm she doesn't want to escalate the situation. "This is ridiculous! Who buys a 8 crore house and doesn't even move in." says Arjun. In the mirror, the shape steps forward. It's a tall man in black, wearing a mask. Ekta knows that he hasn't seen her. "Someone who wants to leave something BEHIND!" she tries to hint Arjun. "WHAT?!" says Arjun while the masked man takes another step toward Arjun. "Someone with Something BEHIND them...Something DANGEROUS...Do u know what I mean?" Ekta hints him Again. The masked man takes another step towards Arjun, Ekta can see that he has something in his hand.. Something long and metal...A scalpel. "LOOK OUT!" Ekta screams. Arjun spins around just as the masked man slices his scalpel through the air. It cuts open the side of Arjun's arm, spraying blood onto the impeccable white wall. "Agghh" screams Arjun. Ekta pulls out her sidearm and shoots! The bullet blows apart the corner of the wall near the masked man's head. The man looks at Ekta for one-second.. Then turns and runs. Arjun lays on the ground. The masked man vanishes around the corner. Ekta runs over Arjun's side "ARJUN! Are you okay?" she asks. "I'm fine! Go after him! Go! " says Arjun holding his wound. Ekta runs around the corner. There's no sign of the Maskmaker. She walks deeper into the house, pointing her gun straight ahead and in a room in the back, she hears a door slam. She bursts into the bedroom at the very back of the house... And finds it empty. "Dammit! Where the hell is he?" says Ekta to herself when she notices a trapdoor in the middle of the floor. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me.." She says to herself pulling the door open and steps down into total darkness. Ekta turns on her mobile flash and finds herself in a dark basement. The walls are covered in pictures, scrawling and hanging masks "OH MY GOD!" she says when there's a sound of a door. She rushes through the room and comes to a locked door. "Open up!" she says. Shoots the door open. She rushes into the room. The masked man is lying face-down on the floor. "Freeze! Don't move a....Mu...muscle." She says noticing how still the man is lying... and the syringe jutting out of the side of his arm. "Oh no .. You did not just kill yourself!" She says flipping him over. He's breathing, barely. Ekta reaches down and pulls off his mask. "Son of a.. DR.SHAH!?"
A little while later, Ekta stands on the street. The house is overrun with other police officers. Arjun walks over to her, a thick bandage is wrapped around his right arm. "You okay?" She asks. "Yeah I got lucky. He didn't hit anything major. The doc said I probably won't even have nerve damage. " replies Arjun. "I'm glad it's not too serious.. Sorry I didn't react faster, " Ekta apologizes. "Don't worry about it." Replies Arjun. Both of them glance up as Dr. Shah's numb body is wheeled out and placed in an ambulance. "So what do you figure? The doc tried to kill me, you chased him down into the basement where he tried to kill himself?" Asks Arjun . "That's how it looks. The coward tried to take the easy way out," replies Ekta. "Detective Chavan! Special Agent Kher!" A familiar voice comes from the back, they look over and see Captain Kher headed their way. " Impressive work. With every cop searching for Dr. Shah , you two managed to find him. Care to tell me how?" the Captain asks. "Uh...well.." Ekta says with a bit of fear when Arjun takes her back "Solid profiling, Captain. Nothing more. " He says. "Why do you seem worried Ekta?" asks her uncle? "With all due respect, my profile matches Dr. Shah, but still there are unresolved questions of motive and psychology. Perhaps If I could examine the Maskmaker's lair." Ekta says. "You might be able to reconcile any possible discrepancies before the case hits the court. Good thinking, Ekta. Come back tomorrow morning after the officers have cleared the scene. In the meantime, try and get some rest" replies Captain Kher and walks away Ekta exhales nervously. " Hey, you still a little on the edge?" Arjun asks "You noticed?" replies Ekta. "Yeah, but don't worry. It didn't take a profiler to put that one together. Once the adrenaline starts pumping. I'm always weird for at least a few hours " Arjun says. "Me too, Back at Delhi. I'd always go out for dinner with my partner after a rough day. In my experience, just getting out in the world helps you remind yourself that not everyone is out to kill you." Ekta replies. "Hey I know a great place we could grab a bite an unwind. I mean if you'd be interested, that is.." says Arjun. "Count me in!" says Ekta. "Great I promise you are not going to be disappointed." replies Arjun
A little while later Arjun takes a Ekta to a Chinese restaurant by the sea called 'Chinese Room' as they enter the owner walks towards them "Hey, Arjun Chavan. Good to see you? You want the usual? " he asks "Better make it two, I bought company." Arjun replies. Ekta and Arjun take a seat on a table in the corner. A moment later the waiter brings out the food. "Who's your lady friend, Arjun?" the owner asks. "Sachin, this is Special Agent Kher of the Delhi Police" Arjun replies " The Delhi Police? Don't take this the wrong way, but you're way too good lookin' to be a Cop." He says looking at Ekta "Oh, well Thank You" Ekta replies smiling "And polite. I really like this one, Arjun" he says . "I'm sure you do!" says Arjun laughing. As Sachin returns to the kitchen, Ekta takes a sip of her soup "Hey! This is great! how'd you find this place?" She asks Arjun "Find it? I was practically born here. My great grandfather started this restaurant after he left the police force. It got sold during the second India-Pakistan war, But Sachin's family has always treated me like one of their own. Who knows? One of these days, I may even try to buy the old place back... I mean, It's a dream, right? " Arjun replies "Yeah. Yeah it is " Ekta replies. After the dinner is over Arjun asks Ekta to step out on the patio for a second "The view is fantastic" He says. The two stroll out onto the patio of the restaurant. Sea waves lap at the pier below. "So, with the case closed, you're going back soon right? Going on to whatever next psychopath you have to track down?" Arjun asks "I'll likely stay here until I've assembled a complete profile.. But yes, that's the way it goes." Ekta replies. Arjun gazes out across the water. There is something cold in his gaze, something hurt and broken. "Arjun, can I ask a personal question?" Ekta asks "Shoot!" Arjun replies. "What's going on with you're wife?" She asks "My wife? What are you talking about? We're doing great." Arjun replies. "Then why aren't you home with her?" asks Ekta again "Well, ..uh.. you and I are getting to know each other." Arjun replies fiddling with his wedding ring. He glances down and takes note of the unconscious gesture "Yeah.. Not a lot gets by you, does it?" He asks then leans back and sighs deeply "My wife left me a month ago." says Arjun "Arjun, I'm sorry." replies Ekta "Look, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine." He says "Just because society expects men to 'tough it out' doesn't mean you don't feel emotions. You're grieving the end of your marriage." Ekta continues "I'm not grieving. To be honest, I'm amazed we made it as long as we did." Arjun replies. "If you need someone to talk to.." Ekta replies. "I'm fine, really, It's just... It's just the little things that get me. I got up this morning, walked into the kitchen, brewed a pot of coffee and poured two cups. Then I realized what I'd done. And I just sat there, staring at those two cups of coffee " continues Arjun "What did you do?" asks Ekta "I drank them, that's what I did. I'm not going to waste coffee." replies Arjun. Ekta leans over and squeezes Arjun's arm "Yeah, I think you're going to be okay." she says "Thanks for listening. You know, you're the first person I've told about this. Anyway, not that I've bared my soul, it's your turn. What's your dark secret? What'd you do to get put on this beat?" Arjun asks. Ekta remembers it again. The blistering Rajasthan Sun.. The smell of blood.. The wail of sirens.. and Ekta trembling, blood-stained hands. "I.. It's nothing. I should go. This was a lovely dinner." she says. "Ekta" Arjun says with a look of he wants to know what happened. "Good night, Arjun". Ekta goes back to her room at the Marriott, That night, she sits on the bed. Looks out the window with one hand, she rubs her left shoulder... And the long jagged scar that runs down it. A lightning bolt bursts over the city. Thunderclouds pour down rain.
Dr. Shah lies on the hospital bed. He awakes to the sound of rain pelting a glass window. Slowly, he opens his eyes but lies paralyzed. He breathes through a tube. A constable stands guard at the door. "Hey, You awake yet?" the constable asks. Dr. Shah can't say a word. "Yeah, I thought so. You know, I saw what you did to those girls. Can't believe we're wasting good money patching you up. Ain't nothing right about that." He says angrily. Dr. Shah struggle's to speak, but no words come out when there is a commotion outside in the hall. "What the.. ?! Sit tight creep. I'm going to check this out" says the constable and walks out. A moment later, the door creaks open and a dark figure steps into the room. The masked figure steps toward Dr. Shah and places a gloved hand over his nose and mouth. Dr. Shah attempts to trash about, but his arms and legs do not respond. His lungs scream for air, and his body shudders violently and somewhere very distantly, he can hear the dull whine of his heart monitor as he flat lines.

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