1 : Routine

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10 minutes later...


10 minutes later...

"It's all up to you, I'm not dealing with this anymore. Go downstairs before 7:30 or i won't drive you."

"Huh?" I said.

"You heard me."

If you want to know, that's pretty much how my parents wake me up. They scream, slap me a few times, sometimes spray me with water. And yes, they have an old and used clean perfume bottle that's filled with water. Just to wake me up. What a beautiful, beautiful way to start a morning.

I finally get up from my bed, then proceeded to go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. That's it. Ain't got no time to take a bath. Nobody will know, anyway.

"Where the hell is my badge," I said while I'm looking for it. There's nothing on my table, neither in my wardrobe nor my drawer. I finally found it in a little tin can. I know I'm an ignorant person.

A good thing it's still 07:25, my mom is the one who will drive me to school and if I'm late, then I'm done. I run a little to downstairs and take my food, then bring my socks and slip my feet into my shoes. I'm just gonna wear it in the car, the driveway to the school is around 20 minutes so i still have some time to eat my breakfast and wear my shoes.

It's almost my graduation. I'm in junior high school right now and I'm going to be a 10th grade in high school. I'm gonna be a high schooler, well damn. I think it's going to be hard, knowing that my past wasn't the best part of my life. I've been through so much, and i don't think i can handle it anymore if those things are going to happen in high school.

"Hey, we're here," My mom looks at me from the driver's seat.

"Oh okay mom," I say while taking my bag.

"When should I pick you up?"

"Maybe around 11."

"Okay, stay safe!"

I get out from the car, wave goodbye to my mom, then get inside the big building in front of me. My school is really big and old. It was built in 1800, like more than 2 centuries older than now. And the unique thing is, the interiors and the building itselves still look pretty much the same, they only repair some minor damage, repaint the walls, and build new buildings for new classes and halls.

This christian school is a really discipline school, and their rules are mad crazy. We can't wear "innapropriate" outfits, such as sleeveless tops, pants that are above your knees, tight outfits, and stuffs like that. And we have uniforms anyway, the dress code is valid when you need to wear outfits other than the school's uniform. Wanna hear some other rules? Here we go.

We can't grow our nails. Neither paint our nails. The rule that i hate the most. And the fact that my school is really strict is not helping. Once the teacher sees us with long nails, or painted nails, they will literally tell us to cut our nails and remove our nail polish. Oh, poor pretty long nails. I got so much warnings from teachers for growing my nails, lmao. Almost every once a week the teachers who teach in my class call my name and start with the shitty "long nails are unhealthy" lecture. Even once in a final test, yeah FINAL TEST. My teacher came to me and made a fucking giant cross with whiteboard marker on my hand. A good thing it was a whiteboard marker, i can easily wash that shit out. (That's rude for a teacher tho, am i right? He could just tell me my nails are fucking long and i need to cut them. But i won't hear them tho, long nails are love, long nails are life.)

I just wanted the school to know that i, or some people, love to grow their nails. I struggle with doing things? I don't care and I don't relate, because I don't struggle. Okay maybe a little, because i don't want to break or ruin my nails. But other than that, what's the harm of growing nails? I don't get it. When the teachers say growing nails is disgusting and will make your nails dirty, again i don't relate because my nails are always clean. Always. I took some good care of them. Not like all those bitches with ugly nails that they cut until really short, until it's "gone" or cover up with fake nails because they don't want to expose their ugly fingers to the world. Oops.

Some other rules that i don't like, we can't wear our hair down. We have to tie it up, it's all up to you how do you want to tie it up. We can't wear accessories except earrings, and only short earrings, not the long one. Only a pair, on both ears, not multiple. However a lot of students (including me) like to break these rules and luckily we will only get soft warnings.


I go to my class and sit down to the empty and the closest desk from the door. Yes i do sit alone currently. There are no assigned seats anymore. And since there's no more lessons, only graduation thingy, there's no problem. I see all the tables, a lot of empty spots. People must've skip school because, it's not that important coming right now anyway. No more lessons to be kept up, nothing to worry about.

I take my phone out of my bag and open instagram. I clicked the explore page and started checking it out. To be honest, Instagram is so interesting. You can see almost everything around you, in your city, in your country, or even in the world. You can see people's account and stalk their photos. And umm.. hot guys' accounts are the best. Especially if he has that beautiful body and face, got me drooling all day long. And if he can play guitar and sing, damn son just be my baby.👅

Being snapped out of my dirty thoughts on hot people, someone opened the door and rushed to my desk and sit beside me.

"Hello," Shakira said, panting because she might has ran from the school gate to this class.


"Am i late?"

"No you're not"

"Oh thank God."

She sat beside me and took out her sketchbook, then she draws in it. She's a really good artist, she can draw animes, or a.k.a. manga really well. I don't get it, people can draw details so good and so fast, i may be able to draw details but it will definitely take 3 hours or more to finish.

The teachers finally come to our class and tell us what to do during the day. We all go to our shift and continue our works.


I put my bags on the floor and go straight into my bedroom. And as usual, i open my instagram and surf the net. School is done for today, and there's nothing to do, i have no plans with my friends, i only have ballet classes left because I'll have my examination soon, but i have no other classes today. It's time to chill, relax, and forget all my problems.


HELLO READERS!! Finally, the first chapter. Do y'all like it?😊

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-Author x

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