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A is working really hard and you can tell because her tongue is hooked to her upper lip as she reluctantly focuses on her masterpiece. B is beside her, one arm behind, watching TV.

A stumped, asks him , "Hey, B, what's the word when you have to do something, but... faster?".

B not bothered, answers her, "Quickly?".

She doesn't take her eyes off the paper and writes the adverb.

"Thanks, B."

He smirks with his upcoming sentence, not taking his eyes off the screen, "No Problem, (A's Real Name)".

She stops writing, keeping her pencil in mid air, and slowly turns her head around with an annoyed expression.

"Love you too, (B's real name)".

B blushes and is embarassed to speak again.

"A: 21, B: -2" and she goes back to her piece of paper.

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