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The last day of classes is truly a solemn time of year.

All homeroom teachers were commanded to attempt the 'warm fuzzy' activity with their class late in the afternoon, where everybody must write something nice about everyone else on their pieces of paper.

A and B, two very close friends, closer than they think.

Midst the end of class, everyone got their cards back. B reads A's comment and his eyes light up with every word. A reads B's comment, her cheekbones held high and pinkish-red. They both coincidentally finish reading at the same time and share a glare at one another--they're a loss for words.

Just as the bell was a second from freeing the children for summer, the two hugged. And hugged. For a good thirty seconds or so--something they both desperately dreamed of, but were too embarrassed to speak aloud.

"Have a great summer, A!"

She whispers, "You too, B."

She's left alone with her thoughts and a card full of comments. She closes her eyes, and tries to digest what had just happened.

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