Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

I waited for Hook and as I suspected he was late. I dont like to wait so I decided to walk off on my own. When I then felt something on my shoulder and it was a small sharp object.

"I see Swan'a never wait." Hook says.

"No we do. So what took so long your whore wanted another round?" I ask.

"Actually I didnt take a woman back to my ship. I took two women theres a huge difference." He says.

"Wow your a pig." I say.

"I was also kidding. I had to get maps of this area and find away off my ship without the crew learning what I was up to." He says.

"Im guessing thats a first?" I ask.

"Shut up. Lets just find this stuff." He says.

We walked into the forest and went deeper and I almost fell and Hook caught me. I looked at him right into eyes and they were very blue.

"Umm thanks. Could you let me go?" I ask.

"Umm... Yeah." He says and stood me back up.

"So Hook.. Why are you a pirate?" I ask.

"Why are you a pirate Swan?" He asks.

"Why do you want to kill the dark one?" I ask.

"Who do you want to kill the evil queen?" He asks.

"You arnt answering my questions." I say.

"You arnt answering mine." He says.

"Fair point." I say.

"Lets just find this thing before our crew get suspicious." He says.

As the daylight hit we walked and walked. We barely said anything to each other. Then it got dark and we made a fire and we sat there in silence.

"The Evil Queen took my parents. I dont know if they are dead or alive. They were taken when I was 13. Thats why I want to kill the Evil Queen." I tell Hook.

"Oh Im sorry. I didnt know that. Your parents must have been special to you." He says.

"They were Snow White and Prince Charming. I loved them very much. Either the Evil Queen killed them or they have been locked up for 17years." I say.

"The dark one killed my love. She was his wife, but she didnt love him. She loved me and I loved her. When he learned that he killed her right in front of me. Thats when I went to Neverland. Thats why I want to kill the dark one." He says.

"Thats awful. Im sorry." I say.

"I was a pirate for about a couple years before I stole her away. I became a pirate because my brother was killed for using something we were told was medicine. He also died in my arms." He says.

"So you lost your brother, then your love. So you left to Neverland... Im so sorry. I didnt know that." I say.

"Its fine." He says.

"I dated this man who I thought loved me and I found out he only wanted to be with me because he thought I was some weak princess. So I left the dwarfs in charge along with my mother and father's friends. I stole a ship and was no longer Princess Emma Charming. I've never felt so strong, but lonely in my life." I say.

"I know the feeling. Dont get me wrong I love my pirate life, but its hard when you have no one to truly share it with." He says.

"I agree with that, but after this we hate each other again." I say.

"For sure love." He says.

After knowing what happened to him and telling him what happened to me. I felt this weird connection to him. I just wish I knew what it meant.

Also if you guys could I have a OnceXReader story and I would love to write more for it but I have no request so please go on there and Request. Thanks.

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