• Grayyy-sama ♡ •

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Today's the day.

My thighs burned as I quickly zoomed  through the streets, I didn't want to be late.

Just a month ago I moved into this small town near the sea called Fairy Tail Lagoon. Its perfect, too perfect, If you ask me, it looks like it came straight out a Ghibli film, everyone knows everyone, low crime, always sunny.

I wonder what this school will be like.

I gave out a small whimpering noise, I'm not the most athletic so biking was a hassle, I didn't have any friends at my old school so I wasn't phased by moving, I've always been a loner who kept to myself just wanting to go home and finish my favorite yaoi. I began to think about all the possibilities that can happen at this school. I promised my self that I'll try to be outgoing and make friends, even if the going gets too weird.

A few minutes passed and my pondering thoughts slowed down as I arrived to a structure that looks identical to the pictures my mom sent me.

What a small high school.

I hopped off my bike, and began to walk towards the structure. The school was only one floor and looked like it has existed for ages, but there was some calming beauty to it.

*•*hours later*•*

I tried to hold my groan in as I exited the AP's office, this school had an old-school mind and was very strict. They kept on going on about how I must join a club. "What a bad day" I whispered to myself, I always get sad so easily. The school day was over with and the halls were empty. The AP told me to check out at least once club before I leave today, I began to walk and I came across a board covered in flyers.

I skipped over, and to my amazement low and behold there was a club list. I squeezed my eyes and gave a quick prayer. PLEASE AN ANIME CLUB!! I scrolled through the row of words, excited, finish the A's and there was no anime, I heaved a sigh and did the same ritual hoping for a manga club, there was no manga, but I didn't give up hope.

"Book Club?" I said to myself as I looked down at the worn down flyer.

This is it.

What seemed to be forever passed as I finally found the hallway, don't be shy, don't be shy, don't be shy. I kept on repeating to myself, clutching my book bag tight and shutting my eyes, I seemed to tune everything out.

I started to hear high-pitched screams.

"Is someone in danger!" I gasped dropping my bag and running into a room. What I saw next would be the one thing that changed my whole world upside down.

"ahhhh Gray-Sama, cum for me okay?~♡"


WOOOO, how was chapter one??? I really enjoyed it and I can't wait to finish! This story is gonna be a blast, what are you thoughts? Please comment and vote it motivates me. •.< until next time!

FAIRY GIRL SEX CLUB ♡ (NALU, GRUVIA, JERZA, GAJEVY)Where stories live. Discover now