Ch 13: Finding My Mate

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AN: I hope everyone has enjoyed the book so far. I'm doing my best to update as fast as possible, but I will also be writing over the summer now that highschool is now done and I'm 18 which feels extremely weird. Yes, I'm now a legal adult according to the governmental system that is currently run. I hope to keep you as entertained as possible within the story and I will keep everyone as updated as possible now that I'm done with school and will be trying new things since I've gotten some amazing inspiration due to my amazing boyfriend. Love you babe!! Until the next Author's Note~

Fang out


~A few days later after the incident at the house and the forest, now at Timber Woods Middle/High School~

Alexis and the others walked into the school on Tuesday morning and when students noticed them, whispering had started to go around the school and soon everyone knew that they were on campus. Once they entered the halls, Alexis noticed some juniors bullying a freshman by the lockers yelling insults and pushing him around. He turns to his siblings. "Go, I'll take care of these idiots. Meet up after second period ends and we can discuss possible ideas of attack." They nod and then split up to their respective classes and Alexis heads towards the bullies by the lockers. "hey bitch, whatcha got there in your hands?" The oldest kid sneered at him before slamming him into the locker making him drop his books on the floor. The other bullies laughed and started hurling insult after insult at the poor kid as he did his best to ignore them and grab his books from the floor. The eldest junior picked the freshman up by his collar and got ready to punch him in the face. Alexis growled low before taking a deep breath and tapping the junior's shoulder. He then turned to him and sneered at his face. "What do you want you pissface, I'm busy, so fuck off!" "Instead of being an asshole and a bedhopper to the girls around the whole school Franklin," Alexis says loudly and smirks. Almost everyone's head turned towards them out of shock and curiosity. Even the teachers came out of the room to see what was going on. Franklin laughs and charges at Alexis as he had backed up. Kids then started crowding around them chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Teachers tried to get through to where Alexis and Franklin were, but they kept being pushed back and a lot of the students started to record the fight. Franklin swung quickly towards Alexis as he had then ducked right before Franklin's hand hit the locker with a loud BANG! He had then charged again towards Alexis, but he kept backing away and dodges every punch and swing that is aimed towards him. Alexis finally makes his move and catches Franklin's hand and arm with ease bringing him to a complete stop. He then swung with his other hand and Alexis ducks, then walks behind Franklin twisting his arm in the process and kicking his legs out from under his body and pinning Franklin to the floor with one arm on the back in a painfully twisted position with Alexis on top and Franklin on the bottom. The two other junior bullies stared at him in shock before charging towards him. Alexis then flexes himself and throws his legs up catching one of the two juniors around their neck and clamping on before twisting his body and swinging himself like a bat towards the other junior which he then released the clamped junior between his legs and both were sent flying into the lockers with a loud BANG! and CRACK! Many of the students had backed up and looked at Alexis in shock and surprise and then started applauding. The two unconscious juniors were then picked up by teachers and everyone started dispersing towards their classes and the principal approached Alexis and Franklin. "I want to see you both in my office after school you two," the principal said sternly as the bell rang. Alexis twisted the arm of Franklin deeper before he let go and Franklin got up and scurried away like a dog with its tail between its legs in fright. The freshman got up and came up whispering a quiet "thank you" before leaving for his first period class. He then gathered his things quickly before rushing off to his class before he was considered late. As the class then progressed boringly, Alexis was barely paying attention as he knew the subject well enough. Once the bell rang, he got up and headed towards his next period class. He then spotted the freshman looking around in confusion before looking at the paper in his hand. Alexis walks up to him with a soft smile. "Hey bud, need help?" he asks the confused freshman. The boy replies with a nod and showed him his schedule to his classes. "Ah, you have biology next. That's down this hall, turn left, and then turn right. The class should be there waiting for you." He replies to him with a slightly bigger smile than before. "Thanks again," the boy replies before starting to walk away. Alexis grabs his arm stopping him for a moment and they make eye contact. "By the way, what's your name?" He asks softly. "Jackson," the boy replied. "Nice to meet you, I'm Alexis." Jackson nods before he let go and they both went to their separate classrooms.

Supernatural Secrets (Book 1 Of The Blood Pack Series) BxBWhere stories live. Discover now