Chapter Fifteen.

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6:45 PM

When we arrived at the Gerard estate, the usual group of reporters and photographers were there to capture the moment. Well, not the Oompa Loompa obviously. I noticed that her companion, the walking oil well, was there again, though. When we got inside, we saw that the reception was well underway. There were about twenty other guests all together, dressed up in all kinds of costumes.

As waiters made their way around the room handing out champagne flutes and hors d'oeuvres, Caitlin gave everyone the lay of the land and we tried to memorize where everything was. We would have to watch out for any servants that might be wandering around, and Gerard himself. That was something we hadn't considered, what if he was in his study? We would just have to take our chances.

Looking over at Harry, my mind moved onto other subjects. He looked so cute in his Sherlock Holmes costume, and the thought of being with him somewhere new and different excited me. I couldn't wait to get him alone later. I was surprised that Braden was acting so nonchalant about actually being present in the same house where Harry and I were sleeping together, but I suspected that Gabrielle had encouraged him to behave himself. Bruno was being a very good little doggie, as Gabrielle held him tucked under her arm. I assumed that he would be staying in their room as a lookout when we went on our little nocturnal adventure.

At seven on the dot, we were invited in to dinner. Bruno got his own little bowl on the floor, which seemed to make him quite happy. The food was quite good and a small chamber music ensemble played off to the side of the room. It was a shame that Gerard was such a sleazebag because he really did know how to throw a good party. At one point he stood up and proposed a toast.

"Here's to great detectives. Maybe while you're here, you'll get to become ghost hunters too. The spirit of one of my long departed ancestors haunts this place at night." A mumble went through the crowd and there were a few nervous laughs.

He was acting the part of the perfect host, moving from table to table, chatting pleasantly with his guests. How could he be so casual around Caitlin after what he had done? I wondered what had happened to the jealous former lover. I hoped she had dumped him.

He eventually made it to our table where everyone addressed him with cool politeness and I tried not to look disgusted. When he moved on to the next table Bruce spoke up.

"Well, he's pretty smooth. He doesn't seem fazed at all that his former teenage girlfriend, whom he burglarized, is sitting right at this table."

"Hummus," Caitlin said with a solemn nod.

8:00 PM

When dinner had been cleared away, we began the mystery portion of the evening. Harry and I got our clue card and looked over it together.

"I'm tall when I'm young, and short when I'm old. What am I?" I read.

"Tall when I'm young..." he mumbled, knitting his brows. "I know! A candle, when it burns down it's short." I smiled, feeling impressed. He was so smart.

"There are two big candles on the table in the entry," I pointed out and we were off on our mystery adventure.

As we traced the clues one by one, I noted other couples moving around throughout the house. Finally, two hours later, Gerard called time. We would get another hour the next morning after breakfast to wrap it up, but it was time for cocktails before bed. All of us gathered together into a little circle as everyone headed for the billiard room.

"Okay, we'll do cocktails and then go to our rooms," Gab said quietly. "Let's set our alarms for two in the morning. Everyone should have turned in by then."

"I asked and the guest rooms are on the second floor," Lily added. "How about if we meet at the top of the staircase."

"My phone, has a camera and a flashlight," Cam chimed in.

"Pretty much everyone's does these days Cam," Harry replied. Having worked out our plan, we all turned and followed the crowd. Bruno yipped and Braden spoke up.

"I think he has to go out."

"I'll go with you," Cam offered and the two of them set off as we headed for drinks and billiards. As the others headed for the bar, Harry stopped me.

"Let's not stay too long," he said quietly and the stormy look in his eyes told me clearly what he would rather be doing.

"You know tonight is the night..." I began.

"I know," he interrupted in a husky voice, eyes dropping to my lips. I took a deep breath and felt my heart start to beat faster with anticipation. "If we turn in by eleven, I'll have a good three hours to get you out of that dress and make us both feel really good."

"Okay," I answered breathlessly, swallowing hard. He smiled his naughty smile and I felt butterflies in my tummy. He put his hand on my back and guided me toward the bar where the others were waiting for us.

Braden and Cam rejoined us after having put Bruno in Braden and Gabrielle's room. As they did Braden said quietly, "We took a walk around the side of the house where you said the study was and we think we saw a weird shadow moving around out on the porch."

"Maybe it was the ghost," Adam said with a smile.

"Not unless he smoked," Cam added. "Looked like somebody lit a cigarette."

"Gerard might have security stationed out there," Lily suggested.

"We can go through the house," Caitlin spoke up. I wasn't sure how much faith I had that she would be able to find the study in the dark in this labyrinth, but it seemed like we didn't have any other choice if Gerard had security outside.

We went on to discuss the details of our individual clue cards for a while, and then Gab and Braden decided to turn in. That was the signal for the rest of us to do the same. Harry and I glanced at each other and smiled with lusty anticipation.

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