tyler down [1]

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"Would you like to go to Monet's with me after school to study?" Asked Tyler. I smiled "yeah sounds like fun!"

"You're going to Monets with him?"

"Yes Justin." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Why would you go with him?"

"Because he's my friend..."

"What do you even see in this freak? He's a photographer, he's not a star basketball player like me."

"I'm a photographer too."

"Well your cute, so it doesn't matter."

He's trying to win me over but it won't work. I'm not into Justin like that. I would never date someone like him with the way he treats others.

"Well I think Tyler's cute."

"Are you blind?"

"Without my contacts, yes." I retaliated and walked away as I grabbed Tyler's hand.


Short and dumb lmao

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