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Rosie dashed in about an hour later. "They told me you woke up," she panted. "Jack? Jack, are you okay?"

Have to talk to her. Have to speak. But I couldn't. My mouth wouldn't move, probably because the black spiderwebs had now progressed to my neck.

"Do something! You are supposedly doctors!" screeched Rosie. "Why isn't he talking?"

"Whatever's in his system has progressed to his lungs," said the lead doctor. "As soon as it gets to his heart, he's dead."

Rosie gripped my hand. "I'm here, Jack. I'll always be here."

I know, Rosie. I know.

Her hair dye had faded. It was back to her auburn curls, and her jade-green eyes, full of fear and concern for me, locked on mine. I tried to communicate.

"Rosie, is it?"

Rosie nodded, crying now.

"There's a very small chance he'll survive," said the lead doctor, his head lowered. "I suggest you get his affairs in order."

"No!" screamed Rosie. "No, you can't do this!"

In a flash, Rosie's mother appeared. "Now, if this isn't sad, I don't know what is," she purred. "A father who doesn't particularly love his son, a poor little girl who loves boy who couldn't possibly love her back - after all, how many times has he yelled at you? And besides, little girl, it's the seventh day."

The seventh day? How long has it been?

"Please, Mother. Don't do this."

"Um, what the hell is this?" screamed one of the doctors, who was quickly killed by Rosie's mother. The rest quickly fell silent.

"I've come to make sure of my insurance." Rosie's mother glanced at the clock. "Well, would you look at that?" she purred. "One minute until midnight. He's lasted longer than I expected."

Rosie's family. One last chance. I forced myself up, using up every last ounce of strength I had left. "Rosie," I croaked, stretching my good arm out to her. I could feel my life draining away.

She looked at me, and just as she did, I pulled her down and kissed her, on the lips. In that one moment, everything was perfect. Rosie kissed me back, and for exactly fifteen seconds, I had everything I'd ever wanted.

"For your family," I told her, and then I fell back against the hospital bed, waiting for the black spiderwebs to hit my heart.

Lexi and Ty dashed in, a second too late. "We heard Jack was dying," Lexi said, and then spotted Rosie's mother. "Who the hell are you?"

"I will kill you," threatened Rosie's mother. "I will kill all of you!"

Rosie was staring at me, her eyes wide as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Jack?" she whispered, reaching for my cheek. She stroked the stubble (I hadn't shaved in awhile, don't judge me) and then began to cry, tears dripping onto my face.

And somehow, the black spiderwebs began to recede. In ten seconds, they were gone, and I took a heaving breath, welcoming the fresh air into my lungs, finally free of the pain.

"I'm going to kill you," I told Rosie's mother in as steady a voice as I could manage. "I'm going to kill you for the hell you put Rosie, her family, and me through."

And I hurled one of the doctor's sharp tools at her. She screeched and attempted to deflect it, but my aim was spot-on. It struck her straight in the heart.

It was over. It was all over.

Except for just one thing.


"So you are the young man Rosalyn has chosen?" Rosie's dad asked sharply. He looked me up and down. "You remind me of a peasant."

"He saved you, Father," Rosie reminded him. "You, Angelina, and Tommy."

"As you constantly remind me, Rosalyn."

I shifted uncomfortably, but our meeting was interrupted by Angelina chasing Ty through the castle. "Give it back!" she screeched. "Father, the archaeologist's new son has stolen my new present again!"

"For the last time, my phone isn't a present!" shouted Ty angrily. "And you took it from me!"

Dad had, after a long and extensive argument, agreed to take in Lexi and Ty. They spent most of their time at Rosie's castle, though, which had been newly furnished (and their walls were now repaired). Ty and Angelina did not get along very well, however. I personally was of the opinion that Angelina was a huge brat, but I didn't think that sentiment would go down well with anyone except for Ty, who wholly agreed.

Needless to say, I think this would be the point in those cheesy prince-and-princess stories where you'd say...

...and they all lived Happily Ever After.

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