Chapter 5: The Beginning

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I knew my chances of getting chosen were high, dangerously high, yet I prayed each and every night to the Moon Goddess that I wouldn't get chosen.

Today is the day that the 13 females get their answer. Alpha Rhys' words replayed in my head. "You have my permission to leave the pack lands." "You can try to leave if that is what you wish."

Here I am, sitting on my porch, waiting to see if I would get a rejection letter or an escort to the palace. I have my things I can easily run. I will not be the mate of the future King of all Werewolves at any cost.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid of having the Prince as my mate. As a Royal, his life is constantly in danger. If I accepted and were to mate with him then he would be my weakness. If something were to happen to him, I would be a living corpse. I wouldn't be able to kill myself because of the responsibility of the kingdom, my duty as a Queen to lead my people. I would be a living shell of myself. His death would hurt me almost as much as Nick's. I would never heal from losing both my pup and my mate.

I sit here, almost paralyzed with fear yet ready to book it into the forest. I hear the clacking of hooves, it's a carriage that pulls up in front of my house. I take one last look at it before sliding the backpack straps onto my shoulders and grabbing my duffle bag. I stand quietly, no one has gotten out of the car yet. The door starts to open and that's my cue to run.

I take off into the forest, my hair whipping back as I run at incredible speed, faster than I ever have before. My eyes water as the wind blows into them. My legs ache as I push them to go faster. I knew they would be behind me. I wonder, did the prince himself come to get me, his future queen? Or did he just send one of his many servants to receive me?

I hear a loud growl and push myself to go faster.

"Morana! It's Thanatos! Come back!" I hear the prince growl far behind me. He didn't command me so I kept running.

I guess he came himself.

"No, Prince Thanatos! You may find another queen!" I call back, hearing his roar in response.

"I want only you as my queen!" his thundering footsteps hit the ground miles behind me.

"I don't want to be queen!" I growl and go faster.

Thanatos is a nice man. Alpha Rhys and I spent a lot of time talking about him after I filled out the form. He is a good prince. He's helped the packs a lot since he's taken over the throne. Alpha Rhys told me about how the Prince had to step in as King two years ago since his father fell sick. His mother passed away about 4 years back otherwise she would've been able to rule. The Prince has spoken to the council and had managed to eliminate the Omega ranking from 90% of the packs. The remaining 10% are estimated to comply within the next year or so. He also provided donations at many packs for their orphanages.

I've only heard good things about him from Alpha Rhys. He is loyal to his kind, everything he does is to benefit the werewolf species. He would make a good mate, he is kind, caring, loving, but I can't be his mate. I don't deserve such a kind man. He can choose his mate, he can pick someone worthy of being Queen.

I want my life as it is. He is a good man. He will make a good life partner. I would fall madly in love with him. I know myself. I cannot be vulnerable to that kind of pain, I cannot go through that loss again.

I approach a river and leap across. The bags barely weigh me down. I'm a warrior, I have been trained to be agile and discreet, to carry weights while running, to be powerful and strong.

I continue hearing growls behind me. He is falling further and further behind. He may be the Prince of all Werewolves, but I am a warrior. I have been training to be faster than everyone else. He won't catch me, not unless I stop which I have no intention of doing.

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